Chapter 12 ~ Muffins

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"Okay, let's pop em in." Lisa opens the oven and slides the uncooked muffins in.

"Now time to wait." I sigh.

"I wish we had chocolate muffin mix, blueberry are still good though."

"Yeah, me too. But chocolate muffins are basically cupcakes." I chuckle.

"Exactly." She says with a straight face, then we both laugh.


After twenty minutes, the muffins are done.

"Let's pull them out! I can't wait."

Lisa grabs the oven mitts and puts them on, I open the oven. Lisa grabs the muffins, but then.

"AH, NOoOO!!!!" We cry. "THE MUFFINS!" Lisa slipped on a slipped on a wet spot on the floor and dropped them.

"OW!!" We hear from the kitchen entrance. "IT BURRNNNNNS!!" We turn to see Taehyung hopping on one foot, he is holding the other in his hands, and there is a squashed steaming muffin on the floor under him.

"Oh Taehyung!" Lisa runs over to him and helps him balance, I go to grab an ice pack.

"Did you step on a scolding hot muffin?!" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"YES." He angrily yells.

"I'm sorry Taetae, I dropped the muffin pan when I was taking them out of the oven. It must have rolled over there." Lisa pouts.

I look around to see all of the muffins are scattered wrong the kitchen. I run over to Taehyung with the ice and grab the foot he is holding, only to realize that made him lose balance.

"OoF! Ow." Taehyung lands on his back.

"OH IM SORRY!!!" I lean over him apologizing. He keeps his eyes closed and sighs.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" I look to see Hoseok standing frozen in confusion.

"It's a long story." I sigh, then I lay the ice on Taehyung's burnt foot.

We help Tae hobble over to the couch and he sits down, still annoyed.

"Do you want a muffin?" Lisa offers "There are a few that didn't fall out of the tin."

"No thankyou!" He grumbles.

"Want to watch something?" I offer.

"Alright, it might help me get my mind off of my burnt foot."

"I don't." I toss the small TV remount to Taehyung.

"Okay, what's on." He wonders out loud.

Taehyung presses on, and the first thing that pops up is a baking show, and guess what they're making.



"AH!" I yelp as he chucks the remote at me. I press off.

"Taehyung seriously, they were literally just muffins!" Lisa sighs.

"I know, sorry, heh heh, I overreacted." Tae laughs.

"Well I'm going to eat a muffin now." I tease, and make my way to the kitchen. Taehyung just scowls at me and shakes his head.

"Me too." Lisa chuckles.

Taehyung sighs and picks up the remote, then he turns on the TV, but changes the channel immediately.

"Ah, much better." Taehyung sinks back into the couch as he decides on a show called Hidden Singer.

"Want this one?" Lisa picks up a muffin on the ground and holds it in front of my face.

"No thanks." I giggle as I hand her a clean one from the muffin tin.


After a few hours, Taehyung decides to head home.

"There's just one problem. I can't really drive." Taehyung states.

"I can drive you." Lisa offers.

"Okay." Tae agrees and they put their arms around each other as Lisa helps him hobble to the door.

"Byeeee." I close the door behind him.



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