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(uh quick note, the girl's name is yunjin i should've said so earlier but now you know)

Saturday 9:23 AM

yoonshit: when are you going to bring your shitty cupcakes

me: wow, not even a good morning

me: imma bring it later today

yoonshit: why not now

me: because i have to get dressed you dickhead

yoonshit: i am your senior, fucking respect me

me: sorry, let me correct myself then

me: because i have to get dressed dickhead oppa

yoonshit: eh i'll take it

yoonshit: what are you doing today

me: why do you ask

me: are you falling for me and wanting to spend every dying moment with me

yoonshit: ew, i don't want to spend even a second with your crusty ass

me: you know you love me ;)

yoonshit: i will sell you for a single chicken nugget, don't test me

me: i'm worth at least two you hoe

yoonshit: not with your crusty ass right now

me: you're not any better min crusty

yoonshit: for real, what are you doing today?

me: i'm going out with sunghyun

yoonshit: is he gonna come this time or should i be ready to pick you up

me: he said he willll sooo

yoonshit: what are you guys doing?

me: i don't know, he just called earlier and told me to meet him at this place

yoonshit: i don't trust that brat

me: it doesn't matter if you do

yoonshit: anyways, text me when i need to pick you up because he stood you up or some shit

me: he won't

me: but okay mom

Saturday 1:52 PM

me: jin oppa!!

me: can you pick me up pleeaasseeee

worldwide handsome: oh noooOo

worldwide handsome: i'm not in tooowwwnn, i'm visiting my parents

me: ))):

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