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(Yoongi's POV)

Monday 12:23 PM

jungkookie: hyung

jungkookie: hyung hyung

me: what do you want jungkook

jungkookie: are you in your studio?

me: yeah i am, why?

jungkookie: i want you to help me with my demo

me: oh, i'm leaving soon

me: maybe tomorrow?

jungkookie: okay!!!

jungkookie: where are you going?

me: yunjin's

jungkookie: is noona okay?

me: hopefully

jungkookie: hyung, you should take this chance while she's single to ask her out

me: jungkook

me: she needs a friend, not a lover right now

jungkookie: oh, right

jungkookie: but you like her

me: you liked her at one point too idiot

jungkookie: okay but that was when i first met her

jungkookie: she's more of a hyung now

me: you call her noona not hyung

jungkookie: that's beside my point

jungkookie: and i have a girlfriend now hyung!!

me: yes and you better hope your dumbass don't scare her off

jungkookie: yes i hope so too

jungkookie: i'm going back to work

Monday 1:03 PM

taehyung: hyung where did you go

taehyung: you were in your studio and now you're gone

me: i went to yunjin's

taehyung: is noona feeling better?

me: i'm finding out myself right now

taehyung: okay, tell us if she needs any help or anything

me: alright

taehyung: i love you hyung!

me: okay, bye

taehyung: say it back

me: bye

taehyung: say it

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