Tuesday 9:21 AM
sunghyun: baby
sunghyun: answer please
sunghyun: i realized what i said was really bad
sunghyun: i'm sorry, please
sunghyun: i didn't mean it
me: what do you want
sunghyun: i'm sorry baby
me: oh
sunghyun: please come over and we can spend the entire day together
me: oh
sunghyun: i love you
me: oh, that's too bad
sunghyun: please babe
me: sunghyun
me: i think it would be better for both of us if we took a break
me: because you know, you can finally flirt with all the girls you want
me: and i don't have to be sad
me: it's a win-win
sunghyun: i don't want that
me: well you know, sometimes in life we don't get what we want
me: and that's the case here
sunghyun: baby don't do that
sunghyun: this is because of yoongi isn't it
sunghyun: i knew he was bad news
me: hence the reason why i'm breaking up with you
sunghyun: i know it's because of that asshole
me: no, it's because of you
me: you know yoongi hangs out with me when i ask him to
sunghyun: no guy just hangs out with a girl with no intention of sleeping with her
me: you're right, it's not just any guy
me: it's only the decent guys who hang out with girls with no other motive than to simply hang out with her
sunghyun: i love you
me: i did too
sunghyun: then let's not break up and we can start from the beginning
me: no, we are breaking up
Tuesday 11:12 AM