Chats Ball Of String

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Author: So sorry. It starts out very dark.

~~~~~~~~~Chat Noirs POV🐱~~~~~~~~~~~~
I lept through the cold night air, running along the roof tops that occupied most of Paris. This once beautiful city was now a wreck. My sharp, cat eyes scanned the city below me as I tried to ignore the tears forming in my eyes. I wasn't looking for akuma victims, I was looking for my lady.

It had  been a week since she went missing. The city fell into caos and dispear. I couldn't help much since I didn't know anything either. We were fighting one day, ladybug got cut with the victims sword and then...she vanished. Plagg took me to Master Fu and he gave me the Fox miraculous, telling me as much as he could but no where near as much as I felt I should know. The only information I gained was that Alya was Rena Rouge and that Master Fu was a miraculous guardian. Hawk Moth has taken full advantage of this mess, I still don't know who he is but I bet he has something to do with it. More and more Parisians are getting akumatized every day and all we can do is capture the akumas and put them somewhere safe were no one will find them. The officials had their work cut out and there was always too much for them to do. Marinette and her family were always volunteering as well as many other good people.
Drops of water started falling on my face, snapping me back to reality. The rain mixed with my tears as I wiped them away with the back of my hand like a cat cleaning it's face. If ladybug was here she would have said something smart. I could almost hear her sweet voice saying:
"Cat doesn't like water?"
Then the sound faded. I parted my shakey lips and whispered.
"Not unless you do, my lady."
Then I stopped running and fell to the ground. I collapsed sobbing in the rain. My eyes closed and I gave into grief. My life felt like a ball of yarn that was slowly unravelling and there was nothing I could do about it. Everything fell silent and I dried my eyes agian, changing my expression into one of determination. This was the calm before the storm, I had no time for tears. Then, just as I had predicted, an explosion went off in the distance and I started running toward it, this was good, I needed something or take my mind off things. I wonder if anyone else saw it.

~~~~~~~~~~Alya's/Rena's POV🦊~~~~~~~~~
I was in my room, on my bed with my homework spread out infrount of me, but i just couldn't focous. The rain pelted against the window and every now and then a lighting strike went off in the distance. Ever since ladybug went missing it took everything in me to not break down and give up. I had to be there for my family as Alya and for the city as Rena Rouge. My little sisters needed me and I know Chat needs me too. He is either too proud or too scard to admit that he needs us. Everyone else at school has been feeling bad too, but I think that's mostly because of the attacks. Most people have gotten used to it but I believe that Ladybug will come back, she has to. We've been storing the akumas somewhere in Master Fu's house, Chat told me all he knew. I know that we can't keep doing that but we will find Ladybug and she will fix all of this.
Nino and I are a thing, he knows I am Rena and I know he is Carapace. Surprisingly school was still on so we had to go to that, but almost everyday there is an attacked and the school is evacuated so no one really went anymore, only Adrien, Nino, Marionette, Max, Sabrina, Chloe and I really went. It was strange because three out of the seven of us were miraculous holders. I guess Mari is just very brave, Max likes learning, Sabrina can't leave Chloe and Adrien hates being in his home...still I'm suspicious of Adrien, ever since I showed Mari that picture of him.
Trixx appeared from my shoulder bag.
"Hi Alya, sorry to interrupt but Chats on a other akuma attack and could really use your help."
"I think he needs it in more then he's willing to admit, Trixx," I sighed.
My kwami nodded silently.
"Trixx, let's pounce!"
I transformed and summersaluted through the window, ok maybe it was a little excessive but I enjoyed being a bit extra sometimes.
By the time I caught up to Chat, the battle was over and Carapase was there.
Chat took out a net and faked a smile.
"And the Fox is late, as always. I thought the turtle would be slower."
Nino caught the fake smile and looked at me sideways. I returned the glance but did nothing, he was more likely to speak to Nino.
"Yeah, I thought you boys wanted to take this one."
Chats face changed for a second. I answered the unspoken question.
"No Chat, I'm sorry, nothing yet. But we will find her, I promise."
Chat just nodded and handed me the net. I took it and headed towards Master Fu's house. I knew he wanted to talk to Nino about something, I just hoped he'd tell me later.
~~~~~~~~~Nino's/Carapase's POV🐢~~~~~~
Honestly, I was hopelessly lost when it came this whole feeling thing...I was pretty bad at it, but Adrien trusted me so we talked to each other, that made sence to me, but I didn't understand why Chat trusted me. He told Alya and I all he could but he told me more. I think he is in love with Ladybug. I can't imagine losing Alya so I dread to think what he's feeling. All I can do is listen to him and try my best to keep him happy, the same thing I do with Adrien. It was strange how alike these two very different people were acting. Chat sighed sadily and lent on his catpole, his usual childlike energy gone.
"Do you think she'll come back?"
He muttered, almost to himself.
"We just have to believe she will. Hold on and believe," I awkwardly said, trying my best to sound comforting.
Chat just nodded.
The uncomfortable silence was broken by the beeping of my miraculous. Guilty relieved, I said goodbye and left.

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