Carapase's Fox

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There was nothing in this world or the next that would stop me from protecting Alya, I had become Carapase to protect her, the rest of Paris just got lucky. I trusted her, there was something she was hiding from us, I knew her well enough to know that, but I also knew that she would tell me when she was ready. I loved her, and I'm pretty sure she loved me back. It wasn't easy, loving her, not this this falling, broken city...this city of lost love, but I did it anyway. Love is something you have to hold onto, through everything, no matter what.
I thought these things over as I lept over buildings and swang into Master Fu's place. I detransformed as I walked in the door. Wayzz flew towards his former master who was waiting in the main room by a table. He had food for Wayzz and took the net from my hand after greeting me. He seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.
"Um, are you ok dude?" I asked.
"Yes, yes, I am fine."
He didn't seem fine, he was all sweaty and his face was bright red. There was also something in the way he grabbed the net and the forced smile plastered on his face.
"Ok bro, we'll just be going now. Catch you later dude. Wayzz, let's go," I said, trying not to let the suspicion and panic show.
If he saw right through me, then he didn't show it. Master Fu just nodded and opened the door for us. I ducked out of the apartment but instead or running out of the block, I took shelter behind a corner wall.
"There's something not right about this Wayzz," I whispered to my kwami, "and I'm going to find out what. Wayzz, shell on!"
I transformed and waited, after a while I saw something I thought I'd never see.
Master Fu's door clicked open and the hinges squeaked as light shone through the crack that was slowly getting bigger. Curious, I stuck my head around the corner. I saw a pair of dark purplish black shoes, if you sold them you could have paid for this entire block. Then a leg emerged, followed by the rest of the body. I only saw him for a minute, but he was impossible to mistake. It was Gabriel Agreste. What was he doing here? Something defiantly wasn't right. What was a fashion icon like him doing here? I had waited for answers, but all I had found was more questions. I had to tell the others. Silently I crept down the halls then ran full sprint towards the school. Just before I reached it another question made me stop mid run. Alya usually gave Master Fu the akumas, but Master Fu had, had Wayzz's favourite food on the table, how did he know I was going instead? I was so stupid for not realising it earlier. I now had two options, tell the others what happened and go back to Master Fu with them but risk Gabriel being ready for us, or go back now and take them by surprise. An other thing to take into consideration was Alya, if I took her back with me then I risked putting her in danger, but if I went by myself... That settled it. I nodded once and turned back to Master Fu's place, this time a little bit more cautious.
I knocked on the door and waited, no voice answered. Still transformed, I kicked the door open and ran straight into the room. It was foolish, I should have known better, but adrenalin was rushing through me and excitement was clouding my jugement. As soon as I broke through that door I was caught. A net sprung and I was hoisted up to the air. I was not alone in the net, there was an akuma waiting for me to feel something negative. I knew what would happen if I didn't stay positive, so I closed my eyes and tried to think of something that made me happy, I thought of Alya. Or I did until I heard the sound of heels clicking on tile. The sound broke through my thoughts and Alya dissaperared from my mind. I saw Natalie standing on the ground infrount of me. Her hair tied up in a bun and her clipboard clutched under her arm. She was talking on the phone.
"Yes sir, he is here. Yes, it worked just like you said it would...his compassion is his greatest weakness... Yes I understand... Fail you? Have I ever?"
I only caught the end of the conversation, the part where she said that she understood.
"Natalie, could you please help me down?... Um, I mean... Citizen, I am in need of help. Could you please...? "
She just stood there. Her composure and stance turned threatening. She smirked and looked up at me.
"I'm afraid, turtle boy, that the only help you'll ever get is from that akuma. Especially after Alya dies...Nino Lahiffe."
"How do you know my name?"
"Hawlk Moth and I know a lot about you and your superhero gang. Only thing we can't figure out is who Ladybug and Chat Noir are. But I bet you know...and you will tell us."
"What makes you think I know who they are? What does Gabriel think about you doing this?... You are Gabriel's loyal you're more then that. That means that...No way...Alya was right...She was right about everything."
I didn't notice the akuma fluttering excitedly in the corner as Natalie smirked and strutted out of the room, her heels tapping on the tiles as she left.
I was now alone, Natalie had said that Alya was going to die, I couldn't let that happen. Yet I was letting it happen by just sitting here and not trying to save her. I have to do something, anything.
"I'm so sorry Alya."
Still transformed I took a deep breath and gave up.

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