Giving up-Maris POV

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As soon as I got home I noticed the smashed window. I tried to remain calm and I told my self that it was probably just some kid that hit a ball through it. But a voice in my head told me that no one played anymore, not since Ladybug left.
I dumped my bag on carpet by the frount door and ran around the house, opening door after door and yelling. I found nothing apart from a paper that was lying on my bed.
'To my dear Mari,
Don't worry my lady, your parents are safe....for now. Just give Nino your miraculas and they'll return to you. If you refuse then the consequences will be... cataclysmic. It's not like they are much use to you anyway.
~ Lots of Love, Chat Noir.'
"Why do you want it so badly?" I asked the empty air.
I was not expecting an answer so I was shocked when Nino emerged from the corner of the room.
"I need it to bring her back."
"Bring who back?"
Tears emerged in the corners of his eyes. He blinked them away.
"My Fox."
A cold fear spread through my body.
"W-what? A-Alya? She's...dead?"
He shook his head.
"Not if I can do this. Please, Mari, it's my fault she's gone. I can bring her back, this is my chance."
I had no intention of keeping the earings, I don't even know why I still wore them. They where useless and only filled with
dreams of a past life and painful memories. I took them off and handed them to Nino.
He took them and closed his hand around them.
"Thank you." He whispered.
Then he transformed and went back out of the window. At the same time he left, my parents came in through the door.
"Marinette, what did you do to the window?!" My dad yelled.
"What?" I said, shocked.
"Why did you break the window?"
"Where where you?" I asked.
"We told you yesterday that we where going out, don't you remember?"

Come to think about it, I did remember. I guess I just forgot.

"Oh," I said.

My parents looked at me, concerned.

"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"What happened to the window?"
"Um, some kid probably broke it."

They looked at each other then at me. My parents knew that kids didn't play in the streets anymore, not since ladybug left. But they also knew that things had been different, that I had been different. They just smiled sadily and hugged me. I tried not to cry and took a breath as my mother spoke.

"Its ok. I'll see if I can get someone in to fix it tomorrow."

I just nodded.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was late night, I couldn't sleep. My pillow seemed so lonely without tiki...the rest of my life seemed lonely too. I guess things are just like that now. I'm not strong, or special...I'm just Marinette. I was nothing without tiki. I wasnt ladybug and I couldn't save Paris, no matter how much I wanted to. All I could do was wait and try to settle into the new normal. I closed my eyes. A minute later they flew open as the sound of soft footsteps started approaching. I wasn't a superhero...but I wasn't going down without a fight. I jumped out of bed and picked up a pair of dress makers scissors. I took a breath and pointed them at the door. The air seemed sill, like the darkness was holding its breath, waiting. Suddenly the trap door slowly opened, just a little.

"Stop right there! I'm armed!" I spoke, softly yet forcefully.

The door stopped opening and I turned on the light, it look a minute for my eyes to adjust but when it did I rolled my eyes.

The door opened all the way and she stepped out.
"Armed with what?"

"Scissors and overconfidence, I'm all set," I replied.

Her smile faded and her blond hair waved as she tilted her head.

"What are you doing Marinette?" She asked.

"This is my house Chloe. I should be asking you the same thing."

"No, I mean...what are you doing at school? What are doing with your life? I know you have been different since lady bug left. I mean we all have, but you more than most. You used to be so confident."

My face turned cold.
"Drop it Chloe. Why do you care?"

She sighed.
"I looked up to you, we all did. You used to be so kind and...."

"Now I'm a disappointment to everyone. Well news flash, I dissapoint myself too."

Then she did something unexpected. She hugged me.
"Mari, I'm here because you have always been there for others, even me. I didn't deserve it, but now you need someone. Please, let me help. Or someone else."

I paused for a moment, taken back. I had been so caught up in my own grief that I forgotten who I was, and why I did what I do. I didnt become ladybug because I saved the city, I became  ladybug because I helped one person. I know that I cant always save everyone, that I cant always win...but should that stop me from trying?

I hugged her back.
"Thank you, Chloe. You've really changed."

I felt her react to the shock. She broke the hug and smiled, tears in her eyes.

"You're welcome. What are you going to do now?"

"Well I think I know what I need to do. You've been a great help," I smiled at her.

She smiled back and left.

I was left in my room, remembering the first time Chloe held the bee miraculous...maybe things do happen for a reason.

But now I needed a team, my team. I did a quick head count.
The full strength of the team was Chloe, Chat, Alya, Nino and myself.  Now it's just Chloe and me... still better than nothing. And if I can get the box then we might stand a chance. The time for tears is it's time to fight back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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