Chat's Effort

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"W-what?! H-how?"
"Please Adrien, it's obvious and I think I know who Ladybug is as well."
I was in shock. Actually that was an understatement, i thought that I had hid my identity well, I even acted differently. I mean, sometimes even I thought Chat and I where completely different people.
"Alya...h-how do you know?"
"It was blindingly obvious. I don't understand how no one else knows."
"I do you know about..."
There was a pause as I was unable to finish my sentence.
"...Ladybug?" Alya asked.
I could only nod.
Same way I know about you. But there are...other hints."
"Could you tell me?"
"Not here," Alya whispered as she pointed to Mari, she was out cold. "I'll get her back to class, see you there. You're secret is safe with me."
Then she picked up Mari and just vanished.
My head was spinning, but she was right. I did have class and I didn't want anybody getting worried about Adrien's absence. Father's already worried as is it, I don't need to deal with more. Still, something felt... off. Then again, most things did now days. I just pushed the feeling aside and went somewhere private to transform. It wasn't until lunch that I realised my mistake.
~~~~~~🕥Time Skip(to lunch)🕧~~~~~~~~~
I was on the field with Alya and Mari when I noticed Alya was acting strangely. She was jumpy and nervous.
"Alya, are you ok?"
"Huah? Oh...Um yeah.... it's just... have either of you guys seen Nino since the attack?"
"I thought he went home?" I said.
"So did I." Mari agreed.
"He usually tells me before he leaves though. I don't know... I'm probably just being paranoid. It's just that...last time I saw him..."
I cut in.
"It's ok Alya, I'll swing by his place before I go home, just in case."
She just nodded. Mari continued the conversation about homework...or something. I wasn't really paying attention to her words. She was distracting. Everything about her was distracting... in a good way. But I was in love with Ladybug not her...wasn't I?
~~~~~🕑Time skip (after school.)🕒~~~~~~
After school I made a detour to Ninos place. Not just because I promised Alya but also because I was worried too. The last time we saw Nino was when he was running away with the akuma in the net to give to Master Fu. My body guard was sitting in the car, he just huffed at me and moved to get out of the car.
"No thanks, it's ok. I think I can go by myself," I quickly said.
My body guard huffed again and relaxed into the seat. I sighed and continued walking to the door. Everyone has been so overprotective of me lately. I can take care of myself. Reaching the door, I pressed the bell.
~~~~Author Interruption~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Apparently Nino doesn't have family or something??? If you know who his family is please help. I'll just make some up for now. And no nationally either???
After a few seconds a tall woman answered the door.
"Hello?" She asked.
"Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Ninos friend."
"I know who you are Adrien, everyone does. Is Nino at your house? He didn't come home after the attack."
A pause.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes?"
Then, just like a miracle, the car horn sounded and my bodyguard looked impatient.
"Sorry, I've got to go."
Then I turned and quickly made my way back to the car. Without a word, as usual, my bodyguard started the engine and drive me back to the house.
As soon as we got there I made my excuses and went up to my room, closing and locking the door.
"Plagg, we have got a problem," I said to thin air.
Out of no where my kwami appeared.
"You got that right,  I'm almost out of camembert."
I sighed.
"We've got bigger problems then you're bottomless stomach, Nino has vanished."
"Um, Adrien. I think I found him." Plagg whispered, looking out the window.
I swallowed, dread filling my body. I didn't want to look out of the window. My kwami was never serious, I have never heard him use that tone. I couldn't bare to fight another friend. Dispear filled this city and I was trying so hard not to add to that, but I couldn't do it alone. I don't want to do it alone. Please don't let it be. I slowly turned towards the window and confirmed what I already knew. Nino was there, he was in his Carapase suite but it was all black with the seams outlined in blood red.
"There is no more Nino, no more Carapase. Just Terror Turtle."
Ok, stupid name but still.
"Nice name."
He just scowled at me. His threw his shield and it multiplied until there was about thirty shields heading for me. There was nothing I could do but run. I don't need Hawlk moth knowing my identity and I had to warn the others.
I ran out of my room and down into the entrance room. I wanted to get out of there and transform, but I had to warn father. As controlling as he is I still need him, I know he loves me in his own way and I can't loose him, not after mother. I ran into the room with the painting and hesitated at the picture. I knew about the secret room because I had seen father go into it. Father said that there was absolutely no reason that I should go into this room, no matter what, or the consciences would be severe. But this is life and death, what ever is up the can't be that bad right? I took a deep shaking breath, and tried to remember where father had put his fingers to bring up the platform. I had to remember quickly because I could hear 'Terror Turtle' coming. I placed my fingers on the painting and pressed. The platform rose up just as 'Terror Turtle' showed up, surprisingly, he didn't try to hit me, he looked alarmed and shook his head, his eyes wide. Confused and anxious I continued to go up, but transformed on the platform. When the platform stopped, I found myself in a room full of butterflies, and a lone man facing the window that stood on top of Agreste Mannor.

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