Do You Trust Me?

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The dark room lit up suddenly causing my eyes to become sensitive to the light. Once they adjusted properly, I look over to the door and I become confused when I see Ethan standing there. He didn't say a word, but just looked at me with his head tilted. He started to walk over to me slowly and I could feel my body tense up. After how Cameron acted, I do not want to say anything to piss him off and make matters worse. He sat down in front of me and took my hands in his. He moved the rope over and interlocked our fingers. I could feel my breathing hitch as I watched his every move. "Liza." He looked me in the eyes and I tried to read his eyes, but they were dark and blank. I was just about to say something when he pushed on my knuckles and bent my fingers backwards causing me to yelp in pain. A few tears escaped my eyes, and as I opened my mouth to beg for him to stop the door opened again. The girl from earlier and Cameron walked in with someone that had a cloth bag over their face. "Ethan, sit her up in a chair." Ethan ignored the girl and continued to watch me. He let go of my hands and smiled a wicked smile at me. "ETHAN! NOW!" He groaned and stood up. He exited the room to grab the chairs while the girl pushed in some buttons into the wall causing a table to appear in the middle of the room. 

Ethan came in with the chairs and slid one under the standing, I assume to be, man's feet causing him to fall back and grunt. That is when I took a good look at the man. He had cuts and cruises all over his body. He shirt was tattered from what looks like whip marks. I start to shiver in fear.  When Ethan placed the other chair across from the man, and started to approach me for the second time. I try to cower away, but he grabbed my ropes and started to untie them from the pipe they were originally on. He forced me to stand up and my legs started to loose balance from not walking on them for awhile. He grabbed under my arm for support and sat me in the chair. He then grabbed the rope from my hands and tied them to the chair. Another man entered the room, this one is about six foot and more stocky. He walked over to Ethan and handed him more rope. Ethan used the rope to tie my feet to the chair legs. After I was completely immobile, they removed the bag from the man's head, revealing a barely conscious Grayson. I jumped when I saw how much dried blood was on his face. I gasped and screamed, "What did you do to him?!" Ethan walked over and smacked me across the face. "You will not speak without being spoken to." I hide the growing pain in my face, as Cameron walked over to Grayson and put a white substance under his nose. As he breathed in the powder, he woke up completely. He looked around confused until his eyes landed on me. "Liza! I am so sorry. I will get us out of here!" The girl laughed and said, "Oh, babe. Always the little optimist. Now, how about you tell us the answers you promised if we showed you the girl." 

I looked at Grayson as he rolled his eyes at her and said, "I said I will answer questions, if you release her, Sweetheart." He said the name with such venom. She walked over to Grayson and grabbed his face and forced him to look at her, "You don't make the rules anymore, Babe. I will give you five minutes with the girl to align your affairs. If you are not complying to my demands by then, I will torture the girl. Don't test me." He growled and she let go of his face. She nodded her head and Ethan came over to me and untied me and Cam did the same for Grayson. They both left, leaving Grayson and I alone. He quickly ran over to me and looked me in the eye. He put us face-to-face and smashed our lips together. The kiss was quick, but the feelings behind it was everlasting. He looked at me with his hazel eyes and said, "I am here, Liza. I am so sorry. I won't let them hurt you, again. I promise." I could feel my eyes starting to tear up, "Grayson, You can't promise that. They have my dads." He wiped the tears from my cheek as he said, "Do you trust me?" I nodded and a small smile came across his face. "Good, now let's get the fuck out of here."

To be continued...

A/N: I will try to write the next chapter soon, because things are at their breaking point. lol I hope you are enjoying the story so far! 461 reads! thank you sooo much for the love and support on this story so far! It means a lot! If you need anything, I am here! 

***PLEASE comment/vote/share*** I love seeing y'all's reactions and opinions to the story so far! -Krystal :)

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