Killer Headache

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"Cmon, cmon cmon cmon. Let's go, move it people." Rhodey and Sam were driving out of the city. They'd received a distress call about half an hour ago and were trying to get to the location as quickly as possible. Bruce was sat in the back with his medical bag. They didn't have time to get a proper doctor so had just shaken Bruce awake and bundled him into the back. He was dropping asleep and kept jerking himself awake.

Suddenly Sam wrenched the wheel to the side and the skidded off the main road and onto a smaller less used track. They bumped along the road until they reached the side of the Hudson. Sam parked up the car and left the keys in the ignition. He and Rhodey ran to the water side and found the transmitter. A storage crate was open not ten feet away. Rhodey turned the flashlight on his phone and stepped into the unit. He swept the light around and landed on a heap. He ripped off the sack and screamed. Sam pushed past him and gagged.

Clint Barton, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were all laying face down with obvious signs of exphisiation. "Sam?" Sam screamed this time. Rhodey however used his light to shine in the corner. An exhausted Bucky was propped up against the wall. His stomach muscles kept spasming and he winced whenever they did so, hunching over when the big ones hit. Dried blood covered his gear and he was shivering. His eyes were squinting in the bright light and he raised a hand to try and block it out. "Hey guys, a little help?" His voice was rough and hoarse. Sam sprang into action. He raced out to get Bruce whilst Rhodey set down the torch and helped Bucky stand.

"What happened to you guys?"
"A lot." He staggered out into the early morning and let Bruce wrap him in a foil blanket. Heat immediately washed over him and he sank down onto one of the back seats. Sam and Rhodey started hauling the others out. They were soon wrapped up too and snuggled in next to Bucky. Bruce somehow managed to squeeze in and then they were off back to the facility. Bucky had refused to let them go to a normal hospital.

When they got in Bruce set everyone into motion. He had Clint, Tony and Steve transported to the infirmary and hastily told Bucky that he expected to see him there too before he ran off to go and set up the X-ray machines and other bits and bobs. Bucky completely ignored him. He ignored everyone else too.

He discarded the blanket and headed straight for his shower. The warm water was soothing but still didn't melt the block of ice in his chest. Either he'd been in the water far longer than he'd originally thought or her betrayal had hit him deeper than expected. He guessed it was the latter. He dried himself off and pulled on clean clothes. He sank down onto the bed and inhaled deeply.

Almost immediately he was sent recoiling, rolling onto the floor and choking. His coughing sounded like he was hacking up a lung. He used the bedside table to lean on before he was sent to the floor again. He was on all fours coughing and coughing. His stomach felt like it was on fire and the smell of her was suffocating him. Even his shirt smelt like her. He ripped it off as he kept coughing. His arm and legs were shaking as he tried breathing. "Bucky?!" Wanda and Vision hovered at the door, staring at him in worry.

He kept coughing and Wanda hurried over. She thumped him on the back and he rocked forward. He threw up. It wasn't so much vomit as it was manky river water. Bits of plastic and dirt swam in the puddle of digestive juices and mucus. Guess he'd swallowed too much river. Wanda wrinkled her nose and helped him sit up. He leaned back heavily against the bed. She picked up his shirt and handed it to him. Her smell once again started suffocating him and he felt his eyes stream. "Bucky! Are you ok? Are you allergic to something?"

Wanda threw the shirt away and sat down next to him. Vision picked it up. "I believe Mr Barnes is having a reaction related to smell. This shirt seems to remind him of miss Romanoff, am I correct?" Wanda patted Bucky's arm.
"Where is Natasha?" She then noticed the missing wedding band. "Oh no! Bucky I'm so sorry, what happened?" He just shook his head. He couldn't talk about her, not now. Wanda nodded sympathetically.

"I'm taking you to Bruce. Don't try and resist me Bucky, I'm only doing what's best for you." She and Vision hoisted him to his feet and helped him out the door.

They got to the lab and Bucky was no longer a sobbing mess. He was numb, detaching himself from Natalia, no Natasha. Bruce gave him a quick check over and diagnosed him with a chill and possible pneumonia. Wanda kept shooting him worried looks which he pointedly ignored. "Bucky, you recovered before everyone else, the guys are still unconscious with ICA's in their heads. Why?"
"My serum is different to Steve's so I heal differently."
"Well can you tell us what happened?"
"Look I'd appreciate it if you could clear me so I can speak to Fury."
"No need Barnes, I'm here."

The black director stood in the doorway looking more serious than normal. "Leave us Dr Banner." Bruce and the others shuffled out, leaving only Bucky and the three unconscious superheroes. "Now someone had better tell me why the fuck a super genius, a super soldier and one of my top agents are all hospitalised."
"I'd rather not disclose that information sir, ask one of the others. All I ask is that I personally oversee all operations to take down Hydra myself." Fury regarded him carefully.
"Very well Barnes but you screw this up and I'll bench you."
"Understood. Thank you sir."

He would find Natalia and, if what she'd confessed turned out to be true then, he'd put her behind bars himself.

A/N Eh enjoy whatever this is. :)

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