Going Dark

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Bucky heard the alarms from inside the infirmary. The doors went on automatic lockdown and he leapt up to try and escape. Unfortunately he was too late as the metal shutters ran down the windows and heavy bolts made from Stark tech locked the doors. He clenched his fists in frustration and resumed his position on his bed. He glanced worriedly over at Tony and Clint. Steve had woken a few hours earlier and had insisted on going for his morning run with Sam. For some reason he was completely ok whereas Bruce wanted to keep Bucky in for more tests.

Over in the cafeteria Steve ducked as a shower of glass covered the floor. In swung the red haired traitor herself. She eyed up both of them as static burst from the overhead radio. "Warning all personnel please report to your stations. All agents are asked to be aware we have a dangerous assassin on the loose. I repeat a dangerous assassin. We advise that you do NOT take her on. I repeat do not engage Romanoff she is a dangerous hostile." The radio was cut and Natasha nodded to a shadowy corner.

Steve only just managed to shove him and Sam to the ground before a metal disk zipped past and embedded itself in the wall. Steve spun around to face a blonde teenager. He was confused for a second before she dealt him a heavy uppercut. He spat out blood and automatically deflected and countered. She flew back and Natasha motioned for her to stand down. "Get back to Ward. He and Strucker should be with Malik, GO." The teenager looked torn before nodding and dashing off.

A playful smirk curled on Natasha's lips. "Hello Steve, enjoy your swim." He looked desperately at her. Her eyes were full of malice and spite. There was nothing there of the old Natasha. She wasn't being controlled.
"What happened Nat?"
"Oh nothing much, only I got bored of you blundering dimwits and decided to skip ahead. Did you hear about what happened at Gideon Malik's state house?"
"That was you?"
"Oh don't sound so surprised. Of course it was me, who else would of been able to commit that sort of genocide."
"But that was Hydra, we thought it was some rogue vigilante." Natasha threw her head back and laughed.

"Steve, I am rogue but don't mistake me for some sort of hero. I don't play nice and I'm not a good person. I kill and I lie. I seduce and I murder. As of right now I am the leader of Hydra. Not your Hydra, but a new one, a better, brighter one. I seek to return it to its former glory and ground Shield into the dust. I am no hero and I never was." A gun shot rang out and Natasha was flung to the ground with the impact of the bullet.

Maria stood framed in the doorway with her pistol aimed at the spy's head. "Damn right you're not a hero, but you sure do monologue like a James Bond wannabe villain." Natasha chuckled.
"Hey Hill. Long time no see. How's the director?" Maria's fingers clenched harder, itching to pull the trigger but she restrained.
"I'm taking you into custody." Natasha held her wrists out in front of her willingly. Blood seeped through her shirt.

Steve and Sam shared wary glances, Natasha never gave up so easily. She was planning something, playing a game. The whole situation reminded him too much like Loki. Clearly Hill thought the same as she approached the assassin with her fingers still firmly on the trigger. "Come on Hill, I don't have all day I need a medic."
"No games Romanoff." She just smiled sweetly.
"Now why would I do that?"

Maria gestured for Cap to take the cuffs. As he approached her Natasha seemed to slump and do a 180 mood swing. She looked him in the eyes forlornly and he startled at the pain shown in them. His brows creased in concern and for the fraction of the second that he let his guard down she took the opportunity and sprang onto her feet, head butting him in the process. His head snapped back and he fell to the ground stunned. Maria released a round of bullets and Sam jumped into action.

Natasha held one hand firmly against the gunshot wound whilst ducking her way into the corridors. In her situation she had no option but to run and to try and evade capture. Clint must still be down otherwise he'd be here so that meant that the vents were clear. She caught a glimpse of the captain as she tried to haul herself up, unfortunately her wound slowed her down so her foot ended up being yanked back down by Steve. Her chin slammed onto the metal as she was pulled through and coppery blood filled her mouth.

She spat it out and gave Steve a bloody smile as she rolled to a crouch before turning and taking off again. She heard the familiar shink as he pulled out his shield and she pushed herself to go faster. The air behind her thrummed and she threw herself to the ground as the circular disk ricocheted off of the wall in front. She flipped herself into her back before a booted foot pressed her back into the floor. She snarled up at the blonde American and dug her nails into his ankles. He didn't waver.

"Sorry Cap, this is going to hurt you a lot more than its going to hurt me." She launched both feet up and connected with his crotch. As he doubled over and the weight was lifted she pushed herself to her knees and flung a widow bite at his exposed neck. He managed to connect a punch with the side of her head before he hit the floor, his body arcing with electricity. "It's not going to kill you but it will sting." She reassured him before nabbing his badge and limping away.

As she scanned herself through the front entrance she contacted her team. "What happened?" Malik's voice came over mildly concerned. Natalia locked her jaw to prevent saying something she'd regret. Her head was bounding and blood was dripping from several nasty gashes. She was not in the mood to speak to her team.
"That doesn't matter right now. Where the fuck are you?"

Ward refused to drive to meet her insisting that they'd blow their cover of they did so so she was forced to walk to them. She realised how soft Shield had made her when of all her injuries the worst she came up with was a bullet graze by her ribs, a twisted ankle and a possible concussion. Well no more. Shield would fall, it was time to take their battle to the shadows.

A/N I'm not sure if any of you knew but I did my karate grading yesterday and I passed! So yay :) but anyway that's were the inspiration for all the trivial pain came from as I'm in agony but thanking the stars that I didn't faint or break anything. Enjoy :)

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