You Reap What You Sow

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"She's a terrorist. They've confirmed it through all the agencies. For obvious reasons the public don't know but it's only a matter of time." Steve rubbed a hand wearily across his face as he announced the news to his fellow teammates. Clint and Tony had finally woken up and Clint was seriously considering retiring. Bucky was slumped in his chair and refusing to look at anyone. Soot still smudged his face. Down in the morgue lay another victim of her ruthless tyranny and rubble was still being shifted from the cadet cafeteria.

Earlier an explosion had been rigged to blow during the time when all the cadets would of normally been eating after their morning training. By complete and utter chance the cadet recruitment tests had been pushed back and coincided with the explosion meaning no fatalities and only one casualty. The message however still got through. Natasha was out of control. She couldn't be stopped.

Unfortunately the UN refused to help. They were convinced that Hydra was dead and since Shield were still hesitant to admit that their best agent had turned on them, the only support they had was within their own agency. It was troubling times indeed.

Natalia had received news of the failed explosion and had turned on Ward. There was no need for a public execution this time so she stormed into his quarters and pressed the barrel to his head. He'd frozen and slowly turned with his hands in the air. "You have me incorrect information. You know the price." Her voice was hard and unforgiving.
"I only relayed what I was told." He'd been back in base with an interesting idea and she had fully accepted it. His words made her lower the gun and he released a breath cautiously.
"Agent Sherman."
"Bring them to me." He nodded and headed for the door. "Oh and Ward," he turned to her and was struck across the face with the butt of her gun. He looked at her incredulously whilst crimson liquid seeped from the gash. "Next time do your own research." She gestured for him to carry on.

In Shield the director was leading a conference with his top strategists and avengers. "We've established that she is no longer under our control and cannot be reasoned with. I suggest we send in a double agent." Murmurs of agreement came from around the table but were silenced by the soldier.
"Won't work. Natalia is the greatest double agent to date. It would be unwise to send someone to play her game. Besides she knows all of the top ones around the globe and all the best mercs for hire. It would be like sending a deer into the lions den. A slaughter would ensue."
"Then what do you propose we do?"
"We do the same as them, we go dark. Look this bombing, although unfortunate, has given us the opportunity to disappear. We could achieve so much more if we didn't have the other agencies and governments hounding us. Set the stage to look like we've been hit, hell even hold a funeral for Fury it's no secret you were shot." Indeed word had spread about the bullet to the shoulder and although Fury was disgruntled and a tad bit peeved he was mostly alright. "What I'm saying is it would be a hell of a lot easier if we were all playing the same game. We have to even the playing ground and so to do that we have to do what Hydra had done. We have to go dark."

Agent Sherman stood nervously outside the head's office. She fiddled with the strand of brown hair that had come loose from her plait before scolding herself and instead moving to smooth down her uniform. She knocked hesitantly on the door and heard a clipped enter. She did so anxiously. The head was perched in a chair with her legs crossed and a file open on her desk. She managed to glimpse the numbers 107 before it was slammed shut and shoved into a draw. Curiously the agent noted a pair of silver tags draped around the head's neck. They too were dropped out of site.

"Agent Sherman."
"Yes Ma'am."
"Agent Ward told me you gave him the information about the cadet training times."
"Yes ma'am that is correct."
"Then why were there no fatalities?" Sherman knitted her brows together in confusion.
"But ma'am the information was given to me by-"
"Yes I know, but you see I can't have this getting out. When I chose you I chose a sacrificial lamb." The agents eyes widened.
"You set me up! But why?"
"This is a very intricate and rather delicate game we're playing. Like chess only deadlier. One false move and the other side shall swoop in and win. Therefor you have to think of the grander scheme and by doing so you have to sacrifice the smaller, less valued pawns. And Sherman sweetie? You're a pawn in my game."

Agent Sherman backed away. She turned and bolted for the door. She was interrupted by a bullet to her spine. She collapsed forward and started spasming. Natalia kicked her over with the toe of her boot which elicited a gasp from the woman beneath her. She stood over her and watched as she choked and drowned in her own blood. She watched until the body stopped writhing and the eyes became dull. "I'm sorry. But I'm doing what must be done for the greater good. I'm doing what I must because I am the one who is willing to make the hard decisions, the one willing to play her cards and risk losing it all. The one who has lost it all and would do it again if it meant helping the cause."

She walked back to her desk and ripped the tags from around her neck. She flung them into the draw with the file and locked it. She didn't need him and he definitely didn't need her. It was better for the both of them. She took in calming breaths before buzzing Ward to come and pick up the body. Blood stained her carpet, another spot on her ledger. But it was worth it, they'd see, they'd all see.

A/N Sorry I've taken so long. What do people think about avengers: endgame? Pretty much all the OGs are going to die so :'( but I've read some pretty interesting theories. Like you know the photo with Peggy? Well apparently that's Natasha's hands and not Steve's so that implies that he's either gone missing or is dead. Also there doesn't look to be any Winterwidow in the MCU. Hopefully at the very least we get some in her solo movie but as long as it's not the main focus of the plot. :)

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