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"Barnes woke up!" Natalia turned to stare at the messenger. He was a normal soldier, nothing special. Ward brushed his hand against his gun and Natasha rolled her eyes. All five heads were gathered around the conference table. They were deciding who to pick off first and who was the bigger threat. Grant and Ruby both thought that it was Coulson's team whereas Stephanie and Werner thought it was Shield. Natalia was watching their squabbling with cat like curiosity when they were interrupted.

"Our scout said he'd seen Barnes and the director talking. There's been no news of the other three."
"I thought you said you shot them!" Grant turned to her angrily.
"I did, with ICAs. It looks less suspicious that way. If five avengers go on mission and four return with bullets in their heads as well as the person they were intending to capture that means that all the blame points at me."
"It still points at you." Natalia sighed, her decision to kill off the old Hydra in favour of the younger generation was the best by far but unfortunately it meant her team were lacking in the experience department.

"No it doesn't. The news will of reached the press by now but what the stories will look like is that I'm the victim here. Alexei was killed during the struggle and the others were left to drown. I've been taken for some unknown purpose."
"What about all the dead ex Hydra."
"That won't be released to the public."
"But your ex team mates know it was you."
"Side affect of the neurotoxins. At the very most Shield will believe them but they won't have the support of the UN." Ward calculated her.
"You had this all planned out."
"From the very start. I'm the best at what I do because I'm willing to do the things no one else will."
"Then maybe you should join us on taking out your team."

Natalia whipped her gaze around so it landed on Ruby. The blonde just shrugged. "Call it a test of your loyalty."
"Are you questioning my allegiance?"
"Why? You have something to hide."
"I have nothing to prove." She glared dangerously at the girl. Werner stood between them. "Move Strucker." He refused and Natalia was about to snap when Stephanie stepped in.
"I agree with Ruby, not about questioning your loyalty but by proving your leadership. Killing the director should be our first step and I think you should do it."
"I agree with Malik." Ward stepped forward. Werner also nodded his head and Natalia regarded them all cooly.
"Very well then. We move out at 0600 hours. I expect to have a detailed plan on my desk shortly. Call this a test of your ability." With that she turned on her heel and strode out.

At 8:30 sharp the team presented her with their plan. She took one look at it before throwing it in the fire. "Tacky." Ruby growled lowly before Natalia shot her a freezing stare. "I'm going to show you how to make a proper plan. Ward, give us all your info on guards and perimeter checks, Ruby give me a run down of our artillery, Stephanie give me the basics on our team and Werner help me calculate the right angles and trajectory for a sniper on this roof here." She rolled out a detailed blueprint of the new Shield headquarters and labelled different positions.

"Why don't you call me Grant?" Her head snapped up to stare disbelievingly at Ward.
"You call every one else by their first names."
"Are you serious? Shut up and get me that information."
"Was it because I came the closest to beating your score?" In a flash she'd swept his legs from beneath him and hauled him into a kneeling position with her legs locking his arms. She held a thin blade at his throat whilst her other hand tugged his head back by the hair.
"I told you to get me that information." She released him from the hold and kicked him forward. "Get up." She looked at him in disgust and he clenched his fists in anger.

"Oh and Grant," she stressed his name, "that's what they tell all the rookies, boosts their confidence you know. Barnes came the closest but assassination is more his thing, then it's Barton then May and then you. But congratulations, you got into the top five." She clapped sarcastically before turning her attention back to the plan. "Now everyone gather round, this is what we're going to do."

6am found them all in position. Werner and Ward set up a distraction whilst Ruby slipped into the facility. Natalia was perched on the canteen roof ready and waiting. Her sniper was aimed through the window directly into Maria's office. Ward told her that the director stopped by Hills office for a daily report at 6:30 when he came in. Ruby would be heading to the canteen to cut off Rogers after his morning run. This way they could take down three key members of Shield. They had an hour before the next perimeter check.

At 6:30 on the dot the director marched into Hills office. Her organised desk had a stack of papers waiting for him and she handed him a spare styrofoam coffee mug. Natalia internally grimaced at the thought of the canteen's muck sludge they labelled coffee. Natalia lined them up in her scope and adjusted the trajectory. She inhaled deeply and ghosted her finger over the trigger. The Winter Soldier's advice came back to her and she narrowed her eyes whilst subtly testing for wind. She exhaled and quietened her thoughts. Inhale and-.

An explosion burst forth in the left section of the compound. Distracted Natalia missed her shot. Her targets were alerted to her presence and she saw both of them scanning for her. She gritted her teeth. Ward and Werner were too early. Ruby's voice cackled over their comms, "I have eyes on Captain America."
"Then take him out." She hissed.
"He's with another guy, black Afro American." Natalia cursed under her breath. Sam was here.

She didn't doubt Ruby's skills but she knew that both Cap and Falcon were better. Still cursing she realigned her shot and fired, taking out the biggest threat. She watched Maria call for medical as the director was taken down. She packed up her rifle and swung it over her shoulder. She swung her legs over the roof and shot her grappling hook. She winked as Hill spotted her before sliding down and crashing through the windows to join Ruby.

Shit was about to go down.

A/N Not sure how I feel about this. Anyway enjoy :)

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