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"We have a problem." Natalia stood with her hands on her hips surveying every Hydra member currently living in the compound. She started pacing in front of the crowd, her gaze meeting every person's eyes. She may be smaller than most of them but she radiated power and confidence like no one else. Even the four other heads watched her warily, backs tense and ready to flee at a moments notice. "We have a mole." This caused whispering to break out. People turned to each other now truly afraid. They know what a mole means.

"Silence!" It was barely above her normal tone but still managed to capture everyone's attention. Her face showed not a hint of anger, neither did her posture. She was calm and collected but this only heightened people's fear. "As I'm sure you are all well aware an attack was issued upon Shield not 72 hours ago. During this attack myself and others were injured due to mis information. You see we were told that captain America was down and had to adjust our plans last minute. Then we found that he had a companion. You see how this makes things a little difficult?"

The crowd shifted nervously as she unbuttoned her blazer and flashed several sleek guns in the process. "So you see it is now my job as the head of our association to lay down the law and uphold it." She stood centre stage, her hands behind her back and her cold gaze sweeping across the crowd. "Where is Agent Wright? Connor Wright? Please step forward." Everyone parted to make way for the trembling man. He may be six foot tall but he still quivered at the feet of the Black Widow.

"Agent Wright you told myself and my team that only Barnes was awake, correct?" He nodded. "So where did you get your information from?"
"The Shield data bases."
"Wrong!" She shot him in the head. "Toby Wright come here please." A man very similar to the first came to the front. "Agent Wright you gave your brother this information correct?" He bowed his head.
"Yes ma'am."
"Therefore you are the mole." He looked at her in terror.

He tried to make a break for it but Ward stood in his way. "Now where do you think you're going?" He struck the agent across his face and sent him to his knees. He stayed there shaking, his eyes glued to his dead brothers. Natalia turned to address the crowd.
"Let me make one thing very clear. Your loyalty lies within Hydra and within the cause. Anything else results in your death." She gestured to the Wright brothers. "We do what we do for the greater good. We are Hydra and we are strong. We are smart and we believe in order. We have no room for turn coats." She turned the gun onto Toby. "Any last words?" He parted his lips,

She shot him. He thumped onto the floor and blood ran from the hole in his head. "Traitors don't get gifts." She beckoned for two agents and they responded quickly. "Bag them up and cut out their tongues. Send them to Shield as a message to them and as a message to the rest of our supporters. We stand for order. Leak it to the press. Hydra is dead." She dismissed everyone as whispers sprang up.

Ward pushed through the crowd and followed her to her office. "What the hell? Hydra is dead?" She turned towards him and noticed the other three hovering by the entrance. She beckoned them in and then locked the door. She leant on her desk.
"I'm sending a message to Shield, but I'm also sending one to the world. We aren't dead, we're just going dark. From now on Hydra will operate within the shadows. We've been gaining too much interest since the info dump and the reborn Shield has established new ties with the UN. Now Shield knows we aren't gone but for the UN those two bodies will be enough evidence for them and the world to consider that the threat has been eliminated. Do you all understand?" They nodded.

"Ok then, Stephanie I'm appointing you head of the European division, Werner Far East Oriental parts, Ward South America and Ruby you'll be in charge of all the odd little ones that have popped up everywhere. Your planes leave in an hour." With that she dismissed them and returned to her own duties.

Later that evening Sam came sprinting into the lounge in the avengers facility. They all stopped what they were doing to stare at him as he hunched forward with his hands on his knees and panted. "Turn....tv.......on," was all he managed to get out. Tony immediately flipped the channel to the CNN and they watched as images of two men (related?) in body bags were shown. The reporter looked directly into the camera as she spoke.
"We have received information from a trusted source that tells us that these are the twin brothers co running Hydra. It is believed that a vigilante took the two out. Witnesses report seeing the two dealing with a shady figure. It was then later reported that said figure was spotted following them home. Unfortunately no one saw this person's face clearly. We'll now be going to Mr Secretary Ross to hear his opinion."

The screen switched to inside a conference room with cameras flashing all over the place. The secretary stood at the podium, his medals winking under all the light. Questions were thrown left and right. "No it was not one of the avengers. Yes we believe they ran Hydra. No we cannot confirm that." And so on. Finally he silenced everyone and made his last statement. "We can confirm that Hydra is no longer in action. It is no longer a threat as we believe that the same vigilante is also the reason behind Gideon Malik's death along with several other known Hydra members. We have cut off every head, Hydra is no more, Hydra is dead."

Not so far away Natalia smirked.

A/N Nothing to say except I've a shit ton of work that has to be completed by tomorrow but instead I'm giving you this. :)

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