Three Little Dates 🌹🌹🌹

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Jack and McKynzie sat in silence as they ordered then ate "I see Emily from eight to noon tomorrow then have the get together with Sydney.... I should be able to excuse myself by at least two-thirty three o'clock"  McKynzie tells Jack breaking the silence.... somewhat... Jack nods at her "not sure what we're doing.... all I know is that we're meeting at this café.... though I did hear of this all day nightclub.... which is kinda weird but I guess really popular.... I of course did my homework on it.... it seems legit"  she tells him Jack lets out a short chuckle "you know me J.B. I don't go to places that deal in drugs of any kind.... though I may make a small exception for alcohol.... tiny.... minuscule.... microscopic"  she says "I get it"  he replies with a chuckle in his voice she smiles at him.... as always Jack and McKynzie split the bill.... they both can be quite stubborn and would quite possibly end up in a fight if they both didn't work out a system of some sort and they both came up with the split instead of you pay this time I'll pay the next.... just in case they "forget" and both try to pay on the other persons pay date.... then Jack drives the both of them to his place.... as I may have mentioned before McKynzie works for Jack as a housekeeper of sorts but what I didn't mention was that she also lives with him she didn't like the thought that he was always alone and didn't have anyone he trusted to talk to about the things he always kept inside himself.... Jack DID trust her, she was always his "favorite" of his daughters friends.... and not just because she was one of his "students" in Project Christmas but she had this way about her.... Jack was a man of solitude and would never admit that he actually liked having her there she never forced anything out of him and always listened when he was willing to talk.... she is his friend and never tried to act like a therapist she listened and only gave her "two cents" when he gave her the look that told her that he wanted her advice.... no matter what time he had to get up for work she was always up before him with coffee and breakfast waiting and she was always around when he came home with breakfast.... or lunch depending on the time of day he would return.... she always had a smile which made him want to smile....

The next day after breakfast Jack and McKynzie went their separate ways Jack went to SD-6 and McKynzie went to Emily Sloane's home much to McKynzie's surprise Arvin had hired her to keep his wife company while he was at work what surprised McKynzi...

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The next day after breakfast Jack and McKynzie went their separate ways Jack went to SD-6 and McKynzie went to Emily Sloane's home much to McKynzie's surprise Arvin had hired her to keep his wife company while he was at work what surprised McKynzie even more is that she said yes McKynzie never entered the house if she knew that Arvin was there just like many people she couldn't stand the monster of a man but she loved the woman who was a better mother to her than her own mother was they would spend hours chatting about everything going on in the "outside world" they worked on Emily's garden, went shopping, anything Emily was "in the mood" to do or could handle on that particular day since she was diagnosed with lymphoma her body was not as strong as it once was though the rest of her seemed to become stronger since her diagnosis.... at 11:30 McKynzie left the Sloane estate and headed to the café where she was to met Sydney and her friends.... there was a slight possibility that she was just a LITTLE bit overdressed.... "well hello again!.... they got you playing manservant huh!?!"  McKynzie teases as she walks up to Sydney's boyfriend who was at the counter placing the rest of the groups orders Noah turns to face her with a smile while holding two cups of steaming hot mocha "hi!.... indeed they do!"   he looks her up and down "I know I'm always either overdressed or late.... sometimes both.... I blame it on my gender!"  she teases knowing full well that he wasn't "checking her out" just checking her OUTFIT out.... ok he MIGHT have been checking her out but made it "look" like he wasn't.... he chuckles "can I help you carry those?!"  she ask pointing at the cups of coffee and snacks "yes PLEASE!!"  he replies with a relieved tone she chuckles and they each take the order to the table where Sydney and her friend sit plus two extra that McKynzie wasn't expecting to see there who she also has yet to meet two men of very different ethnic backgrounds one was a really adorable looking white man with soft blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in a childlike manner and the other was a somewhat tough looking black man who held a softness in his demeanor Sydney had texted a picture of the friend she KNEW that she was meeting Francine "Francie" D. Calfo "look who I found trying to sneak her way past us!"  Noah jokes as he and McKynzie walk up to the table Sydney stands up from her seat to give McKynzie a hug as the others look up at her with simple curiosity "sorry I'm late.... I am late aren't I!?!"  McKynzie teases "not at all!"  Sydney says with a smile gently clapping McKynzie on the shoulder then she introduces her friend to her other friends "McKynzie this is Francie, Marshall and Dixon.... be warned she tends to give people the first nickname that pops into her head"  everyone chuckles then says their hellos and Dixon scooches over to give McKynzie somewhere to sit as Sydney and Noah sit down in their seats as well.... the first thing that Dixon noticed was McKynzie's friendship ring that Julian had bought her back when they were kids that many people have mistaken for an engagement ring "so!.... who's the lucky man?!"  Dixon asks McKynzie pointing to her ring she looks down at it with a smile and she absentmindedly starts fiddling with it rolling it around her finger with her thumb and pointer finger "he doesn't live around here so I am uncertain you'd know who he is.... and he travels a lot for work so I doubt you'd meet him anytime soon"  she replies looking back up at him.... by the end of the meet and greet McKynzie had at least 2 and 1/2 new friends.... I say a half because Francie was a bit iffy about her and possibly jealous of how close she and Sydney were even though they haven't seen each other in years.... and Dixon and Marshall were known as Dixiecup and Marshmallow.... McKynzie joked that they might get offended if she called them Dixie and Marsh LAND.... (body mass/weight).... Dixon seemed to get a kick out of her nickname for him and Marshall beamed when she gave him one for no one had ever given him one before....

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