Dancing the Night Away 🕺🏼💃🏻

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**** ^^a reminder of what dress choices for Sark Date are^^****

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**** ^^a reminder of what dress choices for Sark Date are^^****

McKynzie stands up then holds out her hand for Julian to take Julian who was taking a sip of his wine changes his mind mid sip as he looks at her hand then up at her with a slight smile on his face and asks with a small chuckle in his tone "what's this!?!"  she replies "you said that you wanted to do dancing so let's clean up and go"  he laughs as he takes her hand and she helps him up then they pack up their picnic and drive to the Intercontinental.... with him following her in her car while in his.... which just happened to be holding a Ball of sorts.... "ah Miss Blackheart I was wondering if you were going to grace us with your presence tonight"  the concierge says as McKynzie and Julian walk in to the hotel arm in arm "yes, sorry about that Henry.... my husband had just arrived from his business trip and I wanted a few hours alone with him before I showed him off to and shared him with the rest of the world"   McKynzie replies Julian raises an eyebrow at her as she pats his arm with the hand that is looped around it "ah yes a pleasure Mr Sark.... Miss Blackheart speaks very highly of you"  the concierge says with a bow of his head Julian gives the man one of his false smiles then leads McKynzie towards the Ballroom noticing Julian's odd look McKynzie explains "Blackheart was my fathers alias when he met my mother.... and I tend to use it when I stay at places like this.... with friends like the ones I have you can never be to careful.... as for you being my husband.... I've had many questions about the ring and when I explained it people had the tendency to get the story wrong.... I just never gotten around to correcting them"  Julian laughs as he moves her out onto the dance floor and they start dancing "don't!"  he says softly into her ear with a smooth tone as his places his lips just above her upper lobe she smiles..... Julian and McKynzie danced the whole night with very little breaks it was almost as if they were afraid to let one another go but the truth was they didn't WANT to.... when the night was over Julian left without taking her to her room he also left with the crowd so that the hotel staff didn't ask questions though if they did ask McKynzie just told them that he had another unexpected trip.... which was somewhat true he DID have to travel abroad for an assignment so they once again saw less of each other but also once again started Skyping one another in video chat form which Julian had stopped doing years ago....

 which was somewhat true he DID have to travel abroad for an assignment so they once again saw less of each other but also once again started Skyping one another in video chat form which Julian had stopped doing years ago

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