Finally Home🏡

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With Julian back in prison life became somewhat normal for McKynzie and Nicolae.... McKynzie got a everyday "real mama" job and Nicolae started going to preschool.... they stayed with Sydney for a few months then went to find their own place using an alias that both her father and Julian would never be able to figure out.... Julian somehow began to receive videos and pictures of his son and his wife and their day to day activities.... Nicolae at preschool, Nicolae and McKynzie out and about doing things "normal" families do and it made him happy yet broke his heart at the same time.... they moved into a home that was on the same private island in Fiji that Julian and McKynzie got married.... when Michael is sent to free Julian from prison he calls up the one woman he knew the man would want to see.... McKynzie walks down the Federal Penitentiary cellblock with a guard at her side she smirks when she sees Julian sitting on the bench like cot by the wall staring into space hugging his knee to his chest "and here I was expecting you to have you're own little fan club by now!.... feasting on the grapes of wrath Playboy posters hanging everywhere to exert your every fantasy and or wildest dream!.... after all you could definitely do better than J Lo!"  McKynzie says in a soft teasing tone as Julian turns and looks at her in shock she tells the guard to "open it up!"  the guard replies "procedure dictates...."  she looks at him and says "do I look like someone who gives a damn about your procedure!?! do as your told or learn what it's like to truly be dictated! and not in a pleasant way!"  then she hears Julian growl lowly with an aroused tone as the now frightened guard does as he's told "god I've missed you! look just as beautiful as I remember....!"  as soon as the guard opens the cell door Julian's lips meet McKynzie's in a heat of hungry sensual passion and to his surprise she allowed it to happen.... he wanted to do more just not in front of an audience.... the guard looks shocked at first but once he got over the shock the fear returned and he left them to their own devices.... "Arvin is in charge of another Black Ops group.... the only difference is that this one is run by the "true" CIA.... they're searching for Anna who they believe is freelancing for the Cadmus Revolutionary Front.... which from what I am told you have ties too.... which doesn't surprise me any.... so far the APO.... Arvin's new "squad" of sorts.... consists of Sydney, Jack, Michael, Marshall, Dixon, Eric Weiss.... who I'm not sure if you have even met yet.... and Arvin's halfblood Nadia"  McKynzie explains as she sits next to Julian on his concrete cot he lets out a short chuckle and replies softly "of course!.... so I'm needed once again am I!?!"  she nods then says "by the time Jack found a way to "free" you he had already been suckered into the Ops Division and he couldn't do anything.... besides if you were home with us you'd never want to leave.... especially to come back here!.... even if it was just for a little bit.... we now own the island we were married on.... I figured it would be the easiest place to "hide".... it isn't that I don't want our son to get to know his grandfather but.... I don't trust the Covenant!.... I don't trust any of those groups and you are too well known for me not to fear for our child's safety if we lived out in the "open".... it was one thing when we were actually traveling with you.... which he somewhat misses by the way.... but it's a whole nother thing if we....!"  his lips touch hers with a gentle caress then he says softly "I know!"  she tells him "Jack says this will be the last.... for now anyway!.... and knowing you you would have found a way to escape their clutches even if you didn't have us to come home too.... he still expects you to be ready if he ever needs you again but...."  Julian chuckles "we'd like it if you came home!"  she says softly and he smiles "you will be transferred to Alder tonight and then go from there.... I wasn't given all the details but I'm guessing you won't be in the transfer van for very long...."  she says he laughs "we won't be there.... I'm keeping our son as far away from Arvin as possible!"  she tells him he slides his hand up her cheek then cups the back of her neck as he says softly "I don't blame you!"  she smiles and he kisses her lips.... it hurt seeing her leave but it felt good knowing that she had forgave him and that they will see each other again but it was her last words that really stuck in his head.... she slid her cupped fingers over the lip of his half open prison jumper and says in an tantalizing smokey tone with a alluring look in her eyes that aroused him completely "remember to be the bad boy we all know you can be!.... I can't wait to take this off you!"  he replies "and I can't wait to get it off!"  they kissed then she walked away..... the next time Julian saw Kynzie she was waiting in the back of the van the "kidnapper" had him get into and she did as promised... she took his prison jumper off.... she even helped him put his new suit on.... after they made love of course.... she got out of the van at the same time he did and rode a separate motorcycle back to Jack's place where she and Nicolae where staying for the night then flew back home then next morning.....

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