Deep Inside

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McKynzie didn't stay with Julian throughout the entirety of his assignment(s) she went with him to the Falklands where he rented a hotel room for her and he headed to the cabin where he had his next assignment "Julian I.....!"  McKynzie says softly through the receiver of her mobile phone "no!.... I'm glad you didn't come with me I had run into some trouble and.... if you were there you might have gotten hurt!.... I could not bare to think of you being in such a situation or having you watch what I had to do to....!"  he replies through the other end she smiles and asks "where to now?!"  he replies "Moscow"  she says "ooooh!"  he chuckles then asks "I'm on my way to see you.... are you at the hotel?!"  she replies playfully "may-be!"  he laughs then says "I'll be there in two minutes.... I miss you!".... while in their hotel room in Moscow Julian has McKynzie help him put on the uniform disguise he has to wear "I know now you want to take it off me don't you!?!"  he purrs she laughs then teases "not really!"  he pouts "you know what they say about men in uniform"  she says "no.... what?!"  he replies she chuckles then asks "you really are full of yourself aren't you?!"  he pretends to be offended as he says "I am not!!"  she laughs "alright that's it get out of here!"  he playfully orders waving her away "yes sir!"  she replies saluting him then spins around he smacks her ass and she playfully scurries out of the room jumping on the tips of her toes as he smacks her making him chuckle and shake his head.... the next place they went to was Madagascar it was a place that McKynzie had never been before so they spent the whole day exploring and at night when Julian came back from his assignment he ran into her arms and didn't let her go for a very long time when she looked at him to ask what was wrong his lips met hers before she could even open her mouth to speak her body slammed up against their hotel room wall as he deepens the kiss and starts to slide his hands all over her body then begins to make love to her lifting her up the wall and into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist "Julian!?!"  Kynzie whispers breathlessly "shh!.... I just want to love you!.... that's all.... just let me love you!"  he whispers back she nods and his lips meet hers once more as he enters her making her gasp and him smile "god I love you!"  he whispers "he loves you too"  she replies he laughs.... Kynzie takes Julian with her to the grand opening of Francie's restaurant Deep Inside "it's very.... red!"  Julian says as they walk through the doors and blend into the large crowd that was already inside "Jack's suggestion I believe he had "warned" her that to the Vietnamese and Chinese the color white means death and bad fortune"  Kynzie in forms him "ah!"  he replies with a chuckle "I'm going to let Francie know I made it.... don't flirt with too many girls while I'm away!"  Kynzie teases kissing his lips before walkin away Julian smiles at her watches her walk away for a few seconds then mingles with the crowd.... as soon as Kynzie walks away Sydney walks in Kynzie and Sydney smile at each other as they say hi and hug then walk over to Will and Francie together "oh good you're here!.... I need someone to tend bar and give Samantha a break.... she's been on her feet for hours"  Francie tells Kynzie "sure no problem.... hi Will"  Kynzie replies "hey!"  Will says with a smile Kynzie claps his shoulder as she walks past him to head for the bar....

 hi Will"  Kynzie replies "hey!"  Will says with a smile Kynzie claps his shoulder as she walks past him to head for the bar

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