Verruca Sulk

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"So... who is it you're curious about today!?!"  McKynzie teases Jack with a smile Jack chuckles then replies "Lauren Reed"  McKynzie looks at him in surprise then asks softly "Verruca Sulk?!.... why do you want to know about her!?!"  he looks at her oddly then replies "she's Vaughn's wife.... and she's heading up the investigation of the death of Andrian Lazarey.... Verruca Sulk!?!"  he looks at her confused "she used to work for my father, she is the daughter of Senator George Reed and has a major school girl crush on Julian.... she's always tried to separate us.... though with him in prison the two years I've been gone I guess it's no surprise that she didn't take advantage of the fact that we actually are no longer together"  she tells him "in case you haven't realized by now we have a genuine mutual dislike for one another.... as for her "nickname" she kind of reminds me of Verruca Salt in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.... personality wise her hair's the wrong color"  she adds Jack chuckles "since I've been gone for two years I have no idea if she still works for my father.... some people do have the tendency to change.... for the better or for worse.... my father works for the Covenant by the way.... I haven't spoken much less seen him in the two years I've been away.... I had to make sure they couldn't find me.... for many years they .... much like Arvin always wished I would for him.... tried to get me to work for them.... they used my father and Julian who also worked for them.... before joining Arvin on his version of the same quest"  she continues Jack looks at her in shock "yes I knew.... but by the time I found out.... it was too late.... I couldn't "bring her back" without making it worse and it hurt knowing that there was no way for me to help her.... my father had hoped that I would have stayed.... helped him by giving her a familiar face to work alongside with.... the man that vowed NEVER to "bring me in" used my friend to do just that!.... it broke my heart.... and I feared that you and Sydney would HATE me if you ever....! but I can't lie to you Jack.... I just can't!"  she says as she starts to cry Jack hugs her close to him and kisses the top of her head as she continues "all I could do was hope that she would regain herself all on her own like she did.... though I can't imagine how hard it all must be not remembering anything that happened throughout the two years she lost of her life.... maybe I should have stayed!.... so I could help her remember.... but I.... couldn't!.... I just couldn't!.... the thought of you two hating me.... blaming me for not being able to help much less "save" her.... I don't know what sort of mind games they used to do what they did.... I left before they ever had the chance to try it with me.... I'm sorry Jack!.... I am so sorry!"  her tears were never ending and she could no longer speak she was crying so hard Jack held her till there were no more tears that she could shed then he whispers softly into the top of her head as he kisses it "I forgive you"  which only made her cry more and seeing the woman he has never seen cry before cry in the way she is now not only broke his heart but scared him McKynzie started chuckling and he looks down at her with a confused expression on his face "this is when I usually call up Julian to see if he's busy.... it's odd.... he's the only person who's ever truly been able to comfort me in a way that makes everything go away.... and no I don't mean by....!"  she stops Jack laughs which makes her laugh.....

!"  she stops Jack laughs which makes her laugh

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