I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 12)

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Chapter 12 - I hate fakers sequel

As I swim through the blackness, minding my own business, I feel someone slapping my cheek.

Gah! I take a swipe, and am greeted by a resounding smacking sound as my hand connects with the persons cheek.

Serves them right! Whoever thinks they can slap me, definitely had another thing coming.

"Baby girl" whispered murmurs urge from around me.

"What?" I groan as I squint my eyes open and try to sit up.

Ouch! Sitting up hurts my head, as I wince at the pain.

What the hell happened?

I quickly replay the past events through my mind, before I blacked out.

Tyler was telling me why we needed to move away from home, was because of Conrad.

Has he escaped from prison? Surely not...

Is he getting let out early? There is no way he could manage to swing that one.

So whats going on??? I need answers.

But first, I need to talk to Jayden. I want to make sure that he and my father are okay. Conrad was able to put Jayden in hospital once, and Im not taking any chances again.

"Tyler" I demand as I try to sit up. Tyler quickly helps me up into a sitting position as I ignore the pain.

I glance around the room and notice the others are standing around, and Courtney comes to sit next to me. Im grateful for her support, as she leans up against me, to help me sit up.

"Can I have your phone please?" I ask of Tyler, softening the anger in my tone a little.

Tyler hands me his phone and I quickly dial Jayden's number. Jayden answers after the first ring, and says "Hey Tyler. Ive gotta make this quick, my flight is boarding soon"

"What flight?" I ask while frowning.

"Baby? Is that you?" Jayden asks and then without letting me answer he asks more questions with alarm in his tone "Where is Tyler? Are you okay?"

"Im fine. Im fine" I insist and before he can interrupt again I ask my own question "Are you ok? I know about Conrad, so I want to know if you and dad are safe."

Jayden groans, probably about the fact that I know about Conrad, but I let it slide for now. I prefer to yell at him about that in person. For now, I need to know if they are safe.

"We are both ok baby. Aaron is going to stay with dad, while I fly up to be with you. I was worried about you, after our fight this morning, so I booked a flight straight away." Jayden explains as I lean my throbbing head against Courtney's shoulder.

I breathe a sigh of relief, glad that my father will have someone to look after him.

Although I am selfish and want Jayden with me, I still want to make sure my father will be safe.

"Are you sure daddy will be ok?" I ask Jayden.

"Yes baby. I promise." Jayden reassures me and then adds "My plane is boarding now. I love you baby. I will see you soon."

"Love you too" I reply and then disconnect the call.

I close my eyes for a moment to calm myself and then look at Tyler saying "Thank you for telling me Tyler."

I will get the rest of the answers out of Jayden when he gets here.

"Sweety, we need to get you to the hospital to get you checked out" Hillary says as she kneels next to me.

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