I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 13)

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Chapter 13 - I hate fakers sequel

No! No! No! This cant be true... I must be still asleep... This must be a horrible nightmare...

Jayden squeezes my hand in reassurance, confirming that I am indeed awake.

"No" I whisper as I break down in tears as I feel my heart tighten in my chest.

"Not my daddy" I sob as Jayden unbuckles my seatbelt and pulls me across the centre console to sit on his lap. I sob into his chest while Jayden tries to comfort me, but my tears refuse to abate.

I incoherently mumble into Jayden's chest for what seems like an eternity until Jayden's voice breaks through and he urges "We need to get back to the hotel baby"

I pull back from his chest to look at his face, and my voice cracks at the sight of Jayden's expression. I wipe Jayden's cheeks of the tears he shed, and hold his face between my two hands as I say "I want to go home"

Jayden places his hands over mine, and pulls them away from his face and then places a kiss on them whispering "I know baby, but we..."

I cut Jayden off not wanting to waste any time, and return home to my father. "Now" I demand of Jayden.

Jayden nods and replies quickly "I know baby. But we need to get back to the hotel first to get our things."

Immediately, my brain kicks into gear and I quickly calculate what needs to be done. But first, I need some more information from Jayden to make sure that we don't miss anything.

I scramble off Jayden's lap and put my seatbelt on quickly and Jayden immediately starts the car again.

"Do Tyler and Hillary know about daddy?" I ask Jayden as he pulls away from the curb.

"Yes. That was Tyler that phoned." Jayden replies as he navigates smoothly through traffic trying to reach the hotel as quickly as possible without violating any traffic laws. Im grateful that Jayden is driving, if I were, I would be like a 'mad woman on the loose'.

"Have they booked any flights yet?" I ask Jayden as we pull up at a set of traffic lights. I refuse the urge to critique Jayden's driving and focus on my questions.

"No. They haven't arranged anything yet. They are waiting for us to get back to the hotel." Jayden replies as he accelerates when the lights indicate we can go.

I quickly pull my phone from my pocket and dial Courtney's number.

Courtney answers straight away saying "Ali. Im so sorry about your dad"

I quickly reply "Thank you Courtney" and before I can get all emotional I ask "Can you do me a favour?"

"Sure anything" Courtney quickly replies.

"Can you please pack all mine and Jayden's things up, so we can leave straight away?" I ask as Jayden's fists tighten on the steering wheel after someone cuts him off.

I grit my teeth as I glare at the offending car, while Courtney replies "Of course"

"Thank you. Can you put Kylie on the phone please?" I ask and the phone goes silent until I hear a door slam and then Kylie greets me.

"Ali, I don't know what to do. My mom is in hysterics, your mom is crying too. Please Ali." Kylie frantically says.

"Kylie, I need you to be calm please. Just breathe" I say in a calming voice.

I hear Kylie inhale and exhale loudly a few times, and then I say "I need you to get my mom and your mom packed up. We will be there in half an hour."

I hate fakers sequelWhere stories live. Discover now