Chapter 16

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Usually, a walk at 11pm would scare me. Too dark, scary noises. After recent events, not much else scares me.

For once, my mind was clear. No thoughts of Michael were in sight, and everything was quite.

Until I walked past the old park.

A chain was being rattled.

A large thud made me look harder.

I watched in fear is someone struck down the swing, and smashed the seat.

Their head turned towards me, two red rings flashing in the dark.


But why would he destroy a swing?

I must have been lost in thought, because a heartbroken cry shattered my thoughts.

A girl was knelt by the ruins of the right hand swing, words such as 'Ash', 'NO' and 'Ghost' coming out as distorted cries.

I had to walk away, knowing it was Michael that caused her pain.

I jogged home, the girls painful scream on repeat, the soundtrack to this scene of this horror movie.

I threw myself under the covers.

Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow, and nothing will have happened.

Maybe I'll wake up and never notice the purple haired maniac again.

Maybe I could wake up with amnesia, and forget this demon.


Ilysm if you understand what's going on ;)

-Ellie x

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