Please note!

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There is an account on Instagram, samaina_ffs and I think her name is Shreya. Please note that she has been copying my OS and may be other stories and pasting as her own FF. I have noticed the recent OS Dosti Milti Naseeb Se in her page. It is a private account, so I can't gain access, but please, if you or your friends are following her, do report it, and ask her to take it down. This is cyber crime and plagiarism. It needs to stop!

And I have decided to unpublish my stories as I cannot bear this kind of copy of my hard work. It takes a lot of time and effort to write these FFs. It is a hobby and passion as it is unpaid. I apologise to all my loyal readers, but please do support.

Ok dearies! The issue is sorted now! The owner of the said account wasa kid. She understood her mistake that she had mentioned in the beginning in her account that she would post stories from Wattpad. But I made understand that she has to ask permission and give the original writer, the due credit before reposting. She understood her mistake and has apologized and has deleted the unauthorised plagiarism! She might also contact the other authors, whose stories were copied. Unfortunately, I had to unpublish my stories in a heat of frenzy and disapppint my loyal readers. But please do not be disheartened, it will all be back in a day or two. This matter has taken up lot of my work hours and need to meet some deadlines!

I will be back soon! Till then, happy missing samaina and happy weekend!

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