Story Moved

1K 43 25

Dearies! Thank you so much for the love and support to this story, Friendship Can Be Love. The reads have crossed 70k and counting, which is overwhelming. Meanwhile, I was offered to display my story on another platform, and hence, can keep only a few parts here. Below is the link for you all to keep reading or re-reading. The parts are posted daily. If you have already read the whole book, I would like to humbly request to kindly go to the link and give me a Like if you actually liked the story. It is a free platform and you might only need to make an account. Your encouragement is my only motivation to continue publishing good content.

Please copy paste the link. In case, it still does not open, a hyperlink is posted on my dashboard. Please click on it.

Thanks once again for the immense support!

Friendship can be LoveWhere stories live. Discover now