8. Brent

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The address Ms. Montgomery gave me isn't that far away, and I'm already on the city bus that'll get me the closest. It's not my first time using public transportation, but it's certainly not a habit either, and I have my earphones in and my backpack on my lap while I watch out the window. I feel less worried than I have since I saw Brent last. He'll be surprised to see me, that's for sure, and I hope he appreciates the risk I'm taking to see him. Usually I'd be working on yearbook after school, but this seems a little more important, so I decided to skip it. Technically I'm still grounded, and if my dad finds out I'm doing this it'll make things that much worse. Still, Brent took a risk for me, I figure this is the least I can do to pay him back.

It's a short ride and I get off at my stop before looking at my phone. I have the address plugged into it, and I follow the directions on foot as I head to the destination. None of these buildings are in the best condition, and the people I see aren't the cleanest either. Not that I'm trying to judge, it's just not a part of the city I get to very often, so I keep my head down while I hurry along. The building I come to is like every other one on the block, and I stare up at it before heading inside.

The stairs creak as I go up them, and I note that it doesn't look much better than what I saw outside. There's a faint musty smell mingled with something else, but I can't quite put my finger on it, and I'm not sure I want to. I guess I'm just a little surprised, this isn't what I was expecting. All the Populars are supposed to be the same, they're supposed to be rich, but that's not at all the impression I'm getting now. For a second I wonder if Madison's ever been here, but I can't picture her stepping one foot inside this place. No, she wouldn't be with him if she knew where he came from.

When I get to the right floor I step off onto the landing and hesitate, eyes fixated on Brent's door. Maybe he wouldn't want me to know either, what if I just make it worse by coming here? I'm not like his girlfriend though, or any of his other friends. It doesn't matter to me where he comes from, I hope he knows that by now. I knock once on the door, and I can hear someone moving inside. There's a shadow on the floor that creeps out into the hall and sways in place for a second, then disappears. No doubt I've been spotted through the peephole, but he decides to ignore me. I don't take it personally though, I imagine he must be feeling a lot of different ways, so I keep trying.

"Brent, it's me." There are a few other apartments on his floor, but I make sure I speak lowly enough so only he can hear as I knock again. "I know you're in there."

"Go home." He calls from somewhere inside. His voice sounds different, he's not quite the quarterback but he's not the same guy from my bedroom either.

"Not until I talk to you. Are you going to let me in, or what?" I've always had a stubborn streak, which is something else I'm sure he's come to know about me. That must be why he finally caves and opens the door, even if it's just a sliver. Half of his face becomes visible, and he looks at me with sad eyes. That must be what's different, I haven't had a chance to see him sad yet, and I don't like it.

"My dad's going to be home from work any minute, what the hell do you want, Jonah?" Brent can hardly stand to look at me, and I struggle to stay rational. It's not easy when it's immediately clear that something is very wrong, since when does he call me Jonah?

"You didn't show up for school today, I was worried. Can I come in?" Honesty seems like the best approach right now, and I adjust my bag as I wait. He really doesn't want me here, I can tell, but he debates it anyway. Eventually he turns and heads back inside, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take the door he's left open as an invitation, but I decide to. The apartment he lives in is nicer than the rest of the building at least, and I spend a little too long glancing around before I spot him again.

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