A Old Acquaintance

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As I laid in Quote's bed I didn't feel him near me as I opened my eyes I breathed out before sitting up I grabbed my clothes from the floor putting them on, as I did I heard footsteps and glanced up and saw Quote's older sister, she was like Quote in a sense in a manner of speaking though she was always hostile towards me looked a lot like her mother privates also similar to Quote though he'd get upset if he heard me say. As I got up his older sister stood in the door way as I walked towards the door she pushed me back I moved back as she pushed me, she did it again and I proceeded to back up she continued pushing against me harder until I was backed against the wall of the room. She glared at me with hatred and jealousy in her eyes as her tail grabbed my leg I heard a shout.
"BACK OFF!!" Yelled Quote. His older sister's tail let go of Josh's leg and Quote walked over to Josh getting close to him placing his hands on Josh's face.
"You alright?!" Asked Quote worried.
"I'm fine." I Said batting his hands off my face as I left the room I heard a voice behind me.
"You'll never be apart of this family EVER!?" Shouted Quote's older sister I stopped and smiled.
"Josh?" Asked Quote.
"I never was just a tool." I said before walking out of Quote's room. As I walked into the living room I walked towards the front door and felt something grab my hand, I glanced at my hand seeing four small fox tails. I looked behind me and saw the four foxes I closed my eyes and kneed down and heard them sniffling and opened my eyes and opened my arms and all four of them rushed into my chest crying hugging me tightly I smiled and put my hands around each of the little foxes.
"Don't cry little ones it's ok to feel sad, it hurts." I Said as one by one let go and kissed my cheek one of the more feminine looking ones stayed against me.
"Your hurt, you can't keep hiding from "him"." Said the fox. I smiled and put my hand on his head.
"I know little one go on." I Said patting his head before getting up as I did I saw Quote look at me.
"Y-you might want this back." Said Quote holding my plant tentacle she whined and cried loudly I held out my hand and she jumped and crawled over my arm going into my sleeve wrapping some of its mass around my neck and moving the rest of her mass into my shirt she purred and kisses my neck gently before falling asleep. I looked at Quote and smiled and grab him and pulled him down and kissed his cheek.
"Have fun breeding lover boy." I Said letting go as I turned around I felt him grab me by my stomach.
"Please don't go!?" Whined Quote as I felt his nose against my neck.
"Just gonna be at my old folks house for a bit." I reassured Quote. I felt him kiss of back of my neck.
"C-can we?" Asked Quote hoping Josh would say yes to the coded meaning.
"Who knows Quote after all I am just one human." I said giggling as I walked out I saw my father waiting outside in a limo. As I walked towards him he opened the door and I got in and sat down he got in behind me and sat across from me. It was a quiet drive home to my folks house.

As the limo stopped in front of a white mansion I got out of the limo and saw my dads servant standing as I approached the house I saw two woman standing in front of the house as me and father approached they flared at me with such hatred as I was gonna open the door they pushed against me.
"GO AWAY!?" They yelled. I looked at them knowing what they meant, I took a step and grabbed something from my pocket and handed it to one of the maids. Her eyes widened as she saw the hand writing on the note I had given her, I could tell my father was getting angry, he always was a hit streaker with me. I sighed and cut my finger purposely against my joggers and felt his hair tentacles grab my hand sucking on the blood running down my finger healing my finger as it pulled away it whined against my neck.
"Josh?" Asked my Dad.
"Just let it go I'm not your real son." I Said as I walked in, I saw my elder sister Hana and shook my head. Hana looked at father and said.
"Father you mustn't worry over "him" he isn't your real son Hayden is." Said Hana. I smiled and shook my head in disbelief of what my elder sister said.
"HE IS OUR BROTHER!?!" Yelled a voice. I glanced up and saw a feminine looking boy he had light grey hair, very soft looking limbs, short, had high stripes sifts on with a long sleeve grey shirt on exposing his upper shoulders showing off his black tank top innocently. I looked at him, he walked down the stairs walking over to me and grabbed my head.
"You don't even know the kind of person he is Hayden." Explained Hana.
I felt Hayden pull on my hand and I got down on my knees he put his arms around my neck sniffling.
"I've wanted to meet you for so long." Hayden explaining crying against Josh's neck. I felt my heart beat face, and picked him up by his thighs feeling him grip around me tightly as he continued to sob into my neck. I smiled softly.
"Sssshhhh little brother I'm here." I Said reassuring him, Hayden began to shake, I walked over to the couch and laid him down bending down my tentacle plant around my neck crawled over Hayden and kissed his neck softly wrapping around his neck. As I got up I felt him grab my hand again tightly.
"What did elder sister mean?" Asked Hayden as he sat up. I closed my eyes and poked his forehead.
"I'm not in my right mind at the moment little brother my heart aches.....but I don't know how to be your sibling or Hana's I never have all I've been good for is taking care of people and making sure their happy." I Explained as I opened my eyes. I saw Hayden look at me worried looking into my eyes and saw his hair move and felt them grazing my neck and face, they were soft but gave off a comforting feeling, I glanced behind me and saw my mother and my eyes widened knowing they were the same as mothers and quickly backed up panting softly.
"Big brother do you hate us?" Asked Hayden.
I sighed and kissed his forehead looking at him, he blushed slightly looking at me.
"No I don't Hayden your family of yours has showed me what it means to be alive and to have beings gravitate towards me whether I want it to or not, if anything I feel, as a person to have been brought into such a loving family." I Explained as tears ran down my face smiling. I felt his hair tentacles wrap around my hands and pull me towards the couch, I sat down and leaned my head back feeling drowsy.
"Sleep big brother." Said Hayden. As I slowly fell asleep I felt him press his nose against my neck cuddling against me.

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