Chapter 5

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The bell rang, signalizing that the day is finally over. I took my phone out of my pocked wanting to text Anna, but I forgot I never asked for her phone number. I'll ask for it when she comes to my place.


I got home, unlocked the door and went in. 

''Dad, I'm home'' I yelled, as always

''How was school hunny?'' my dad asked me.

''Everything was fine. I met some girls, they will come here later. We won't annoy you, we just want to practise a bit!'' I told him

''It's all fine, hunny! There's pizza on the counter, I ate already so you can just finish it alone.'' He, suprisingly, told me

'Again?' I though

''Atleast dinner won't be lonely. Three more people at the table. That must be a new record.'' I quietly said to myself, putting a plate with a peice of pizza on the dining table.

When I finished eating it, I put the plate into the sink, and went upstair, into my room.

I turned on my laptop, and browsed many websites including Facebook, Twitter and Soompi, all untill I heard the doorbell ring. 

'It must be them!' I though, as I put on my slippers and quickly ran down the stairs and stood infront of the door, unlocking and opening it. 

''Hey guys!'' I said with excitement

''Hey Anna!'' they said, almost sinhonised

''Come in, and let's go to the music room.''

''Wow, this house is big!'' Stacy said with her eyes wide open

''Hah, thanks.Now, come on.'' I said, directing them to go upstairs

We all went upstairs, one by one, like a pack of soliders.

''Here it is'' I said while opening the door to a huge room, filled with instruments

''Whoa'' They all replied with a grin on their faces

''What are your talents? I know mine and Annas is singing, so us two will both sing.'' I asked Sarah and Stacy

''I play the drums pretty good, and piano too, keyboard aswell.'' Stacy said while giving a quick wink followed by a soft laugh

''I play the guitar, and I can say, I'm pretty damn good at it.'' Sarah said. ''Anyways, where are your parents?''

''My dad is probably taking a nap currently, he needs the rest.'' i said

''Oh, it his job hard?'' Stacy asked before Sarah could say anything

''No..'' I slowly pronounced the word, with my eyes now gazing at the floor

''Why then? And what about your mom?'' Sarah said, indicating nothing

''Can you stop asking private questions, maybe she doe-'' Anna feircely said before I could interupt her.

''My dad has cancer and my mom is dead.'' I quickly said with my voice being so cold, I don't know what triggered that, but I felt like I was burning of madness inside. I continued staring at the floor, not looking up.

Silence. Nothing was heard for a minute, which felt more like an hour with all the thoughts passing through my mind.

''I-I am so sorry, Jess. I didn't know.'' Sarah appologized

I needed to snap out of it. I lightly shook my head, and looked up.

''It's okay, you didn't know.'' I said, with a smile. Anna looked confused, I'm guessing she never had this feeling before. 

My dad always says, feeling mad makes you feel pessimistic. I should always think brightly, with a smile on my face. Not only am I the prettiest then, but the healthiest too. That's what he used to say, atleast. I don't hear that very often anymore. Maybe he just didn't get the chance to say it. 

''Anyways, what song should we do?'' Anna asked, trying to fix this awkwardness that was going around.

''Do any of you know Numb by Linkin Park?'' Stacy asked

''Yeah, I really like that song.'' I answered her, and both Sarah and Anna seem to agree.

So, are we settled then? We're doing Numb?

I opened my laptop and went onto Youtube. I quickly spelled out the name of the song, and Linkin Park was the first to pop up. 

I played the song. Me and Anna took a microphone each, while Sarah took the bas guitar and Stacy took the drum sticks.

''Are we ready?'' Stacy asked, full of excitement

''Let's do this'' 


We rocked it out, sinhronised, like we were the original makers of the song! Our individual talents really came in handy.

''We did great'' I said, catching my breath, and reaching my hand to grab a bottle of water

''Hey, can I have some?'' Anna said, looking like she's been without water for days

''I think we actually might have a chance to win!'' Stacy said

''Be a little more optimistic. We do have a chance to win.'' Sarah quickly replied

''That's Sarah for you, optimistic as ever.'' Anna said, before taking a gulp of the water.

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