Chapter 3

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Home, at last. First day is always the hardest, even though we only had one class. I was lucky to meet someone on the very first day.

I slightly knocked twice on the door, and then unlocked and opened it. 

''Dad, I'm home!'' I yelled, as i was coming in.

''Already, I though I could finally have some alone time!'' My dad said, with a laugh

He was always someone who turns something bad into something funny or good. He's very optimistic. When he was analized with cancer, he just told me that it was a passing phase and it will make him stronger once he beats it. Not even an if he beats it, but a straight answer. He's just like that, and I envy his personality so much.

''Ha ha dad. What are we having for dinner?' I asked him

''I ate already, but there's some eggs in the fridge, and leftover spaggeti from yesterday.'' he answered me

''Ate already? Okay...'' I was a bit dissapointer, considering dinner was the only time we ate together. I took the leftover spaggeti, and put it in the microwave to heat up, while thoughts about what happened through-out the day ran through my mind. 

''Ugh, that jerk!'' I said to myself. ''Who does he think he is? Price William or something? It's not like he's Baekhyun from EXO.''

Yep, that's right. I'm a huge Kpop fan. I know almost all the groups, and I read articles every night about the happenings in Korea. My favourite group happens to be EXO, with my favourite member, Baekhyun. He's just drop-dead gorgeous with that stunning smile that gets me everytime.


That means the food is done. I took the plate of spaggeti and carried it up to my room.

I went into my room, put the plate on the table, and turned on my laptop. While it was turning on, I took of my shoes, and quickly undressed, just to put back on my pajamas.

Sometimes I have these very akward thoughts. Like, isn't sleep so weird? We basically put on special sleeping clothes, and lay on special mats, just to spend the next few hours in a coma-like state. What am I thinking, the food is gonna get cold!

I started eating it as I was reading some articles. Then I thought of something and decided to google ''Leman's Musical High School''. And a bunch of sites popped up, including the official one. Guess it's a pretty popular school. As time passed by, I was getting sleepy. I decided to check Facebook and Twitter, and then go to bed. Which is exactly what I've done.

I turned off my laptop, and laid into bed. 

Tomorrow's a new day, and I want to make the best of it.

I quickly fell asleep, with the slightest bit of drool right next to my dried-up lips. 


I woke up, just like any other morning. This was a new day, and I was ready to make the most of it.

I packed my backpack, unlike yesterday when I didn't need it. I dressed up, and went down to eat breakfast. 

''Good morning dad!'' I yelled

''Morning hunny, are you ready for school?' he asked me

''Yep, when I finish breakfast!'' i explained to him, taking stuff out of the fridge for a sandwich.

I sat down on our circular, wooden table, alone as every morning. I started making my sandwich, placing one item on another. I took a big bite and started chewing, while glancing at the TV in the living room. The inside of our house basically looked like this. When you enter the house, you are in a short hallway which leads to the living room. Our living room is quite big, theres a flat screen TV on the wall, and a few nude-colored sofas with matching chairs. The only thing dividing the living room and kitchen and dining room was a tall column. In the living room ,we have stairs leading to the 2nd floor.

I finished eating my sandwich, and stood from the table. 

I took my backpack and proceeded to the main door.

''I'm going dad! Bye!'' I yelled so my dad would hear me

''Okay, hunny. Be safe!'' he yelled back

''You too dad. You too.'' I quietly mumbled to myself.

I unlocked the door, and went out.

While I was walking to school, I noticed things I didn't notice yesterday, like this huge business tower, completely covered in glass. I guess I didn't notice because I was talking to..Don't tell me I forgot her name. Was it Anna? I think it was Anna.

I got to the school, and I seemed to be early. There were only a few students, waiting for the bell outside of the school. Some were familiar faces I saw yesterday at the practise room, and as I kept looking I noticed..him. 

Tall guy, pretty face. And ofcorse, most of the girls that were there surrounding him. I don't get why he's so special, considering how rude and disprespectful he is.

While I was thinking about that, something caught my shoulder. I quickly turned around to notice Anna. I'm now possitive that's her name, I remembered it the second I saw her face.

''Hey you'' Anna said, patting me by the shoulder

''Hey, how are you?'' I wondered

''Good, and you?'' She answered me followed by another question.

''I'm good thanks.'' I said, while glancing at Mike and his 'fangirls'

''Don't tell me you like him too!'' Anna said with a laugh

''Don't be silly, how could I like a douche like him.'' I said while turning back to Anna. ''Why is he so special?''

''Well, he's good looking, and very talented!'' Anna answered me

''Talented? I bet I can sing better than him, all he's got is that pretty face.'' I told Anna, while suddenly hearing a sarcastic laugh behind me, with Anna's eyes traveling past my face and onto something else.

I turned around to notice, him. He heard me I guess. Oops.

''You think you could beat me in singing? Are you sure?'' Mike said with this devilish smile

I took a few second to process everything, and then I answered him. ''Yeah, I bet I could.''

''Is that a challenge?'' He asked

''Anytime, anywhere.'' I calmly answered him.

''Okay, then. Me and my band against you and your friends. Let's meet at Berny's in three days. The looser will bring the winner fresh coffe every morning. Deal?'' He said, lifting his hand for me to shake it.

''It's on'' I said, and we shook hands.

At that moment, the bell rang and everyone proceeded to go to class, except me and Anna.

''Do you have any idea what you've just done?'' Anna worryingly asked me

''I have no idea'' I asnwered her, just like that.

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