Chapter 6

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The short three days passed, with a few deadly glances between me and Mike, here and there. His eyes are a dreamy green color and they shine like a bright star in the nihts sky. Wait. What am I saying? Snap out of it!

It's here. Friday afternoon. Almost time for our 'big' duel.

I went to Anna house, who, along with Stacy and Sarah, waited for me.

'I finally came then, and knocked on the door fiercefuly. Anna unlocked the door, and gave me a quick grin immediately. 

''Are we ready?'' Anna asked, picking up her small backback from the table next to the door.

''Let's go'' Said Stacy, holding her backpack on one shoulder.

We all exited, and went to Berny's.

''What's Berny's by the way?'' I asked them

''Well, basically, it's like a small caffee, but pretty popular. Do you think there's going to be people there?'' Said Stacy

''Probably some.'' Quickly replied Sarah

''Oh Anna, can you insert all of your numbers into my phone while we're walking there?'' I nicely asked Anna for the favour

''Yeah, sure.'' She said with a grin, going to one side of her face

''Here.'' she said after a few minutes of writting  them down

''Anna, Stacy, Sarah,...'' I quietly said, untill I saw..

''Mike?! Why did you give me his number? Ugh, why do you think I would even need it? Why do you even have it in the first place?!'' I, almost angrily, asked Anna

''Hey, I though you would want it.'' Anna said with a laugh, while Stacy and Sarah were covering theirs up with their hands


I'll just delete it.

As I was about to delete it, Anna cheerfully said ''We're here'' 

I quickly put my phone into the pocket, and looked over Berny's.

''Looks, um...'' I said trying to find the right words

''Not classy?'' Sarah said, looking at me across her shoulder

I didn't make any comment.

We went inside, just to see. A bunch of people. 

''You said some people will be here! Not, like, ugh, a hundred!'' I anxiously said

''How would I know?! There was never this many people!'' Anna said, looking in awe

Suddenly, footsteps were heard behind us, when a voice was heard

''We invited a crowd, to vote for who they like better.'' Said, as i guessed, Mike

We quickly turned around

Vote?! I though. If they are voting, we have almost zero chance of winning!

Mike and his band members went inside.

''W-what do we do now?'' Asked Sarah, who, for the first time sounded like she wasn't too sure we can win.

Anna took a deep breath and said ''We just have to give our best.'' leading the way into Berny's.

We sat at an empty table, strangely no one was sitting.

I guess Mike's band is called, the 'Maniacs'? Well, isn't that an original name.

They wormed up after connecting their instruments to sound panels which were found on the inside walls of the caffee.

''Heey'' Mike started with a cheerful voice

''We're going to be playing Numb by Linkin Park for y'all here today! I hope you're ready!'' Mike said, with that last word being extra long and loud.

Numb?! But that's the song we prepaired!

''People are going to think we copied them! This is just getting worse and worse!'' I whispered to Anna, just as they started

They were loud, energetic and full of confidence!

They finished with a huge wave of clapping from everyside. They bowed and stepped away from the mini-podium like area.

It was our turn.

We have to do good.

I took a deep breath and said ''Let's do this'' with my eyes burning from my competitive spirit.

We stepped on the podium ,one by one. Me and Anna took our microphones, looked at eachother, and nodded our heads at the same time.

All the nervousness that I felt suddenly went away, as took a final deep breath, and spread appart my lips, ready to sing:

''Tired of being what you want me to be, feeling so faithless, lost under the surface. Don't know what you're expecting of me, put under the pressure of walking in your shoes''

I took a quick break while Anna sang the next part. It felt like, everything except her voice was in slow motion. I took a quick look at Stacy and Sarah, and they looked fully concentrated. I then looked at the crowd, right before it was time for us to sing together. They looked pretty pleased, like they actually enjoyed it. Here it is, the main part...

''I've become so numb, I can't feel you there. Become so tired, so much more aware. I'm becoming this, all I want to be more like me and be less like you.''

We continued, steadily but with more and more confidence and competitivness burning inside of us. That's how I felt atleast.

The song is done, while the music was slowing down and fading.

Clapping was heard in the audience.

I felt so proud, I wanted to jump in front of Mike and not shut up about it!

But even though we did good, there's still voting. 

Will they vote for nobodies like us?

Or for the four well-known, hot guys?

Wait, what did I just say? Hot guys?

Maybe the three of them, but definetly not Mike.


Get him out of your head!


People were pilling over to a mini voting stand. My nervousness came back. I could hear my heart beating fast, like it was going to pop out. Why am i feeling like this? I never feel like this.

The votes were counted.

And the winners are..........

The Maniacs.

They actually won.

I wasn't that supprised by their win, but I still felt dissapointed, like I never felt before. Why did I want to win so badly?

As the crowd went around all of them, I took a quick glance at Mike, he was looking this way. That evil smile. 

Anna, strangely, looked okay with our loss.

''You win some you lose some, right? There's no reason to moan over it'' She said with a smile, which I found weird.

Stacy and Sarah were more devestated by the loss, like me.

''This was a stupid competition anyways!'' Sarah said throwing a tantrun, and running outside.

''I-I'll go follow her. Sarah, wait!!'' Stacy shouted.

''I'll see you on monday'' Anna said to me lifting one of her eyebrows and patting me on the arm.

I stood right outside the caffee, while everyones leaving.

''Bring my coffee as early as you can, on monday on the roof of the school. Oh, and I like my coffee sweet.'' Mike said, with a devilish smile and a fast wink.


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