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february 4th, 2018/

He was staring at me.

He was staring at me with that same pissed off expression I had gotten used to time and time again. Before he dropped his gaze back to the professor, he took an irritated look at the guy who gave me the notebook and I was boiling.

I looked back to my paper and started writing, well, trying to write. But I couldn't stop thinking.

He shouldn't be here. I took this class because it was leading into my career. It was a great business class and I was here trying to get a degree. I had spent all summer after my graduation working three jobs to save up money. My first year of college, I worked every minute I wasn't in a class and if I wasn't working, I was studying. Then, my father got a raise from his job and gained way more money than I think he knew what to do with. So, he gave me money, and he has been sending me some every month. I still work, but I quit my second job and I had a lot more free time, it was nice.

But again, he shouldn't be here. He dropped the class three months ago. He was taking it because his father forced him to and then at some point I had apparently convinced him that he should do what he actually wants to do. And he did. He dropped the class and started taking art classes. He was really good at art, amazing at it. I was always jealous, I couldn't draw.

But, here he was. Sitting in the last seat in the row above me and staring at me with eyes that had lost their glow and darkened. I was boiling. I couldn't think straight. God, he couldn't just leave me alone. He knows that he upsets me and he can't think about anyone but himself. This was my education that he is squandering with.

I'm letting him affect me too much. Why am I acting like this? I shouldn't care. I don't care. I am in one of the best colleges there is, in an amazing class with a billionaire professor who was one of the best businessmen in the country. This was my education and I was letting myself get disheveled over the presence of a boy. God, I hate myself.

"And that's it for today. I have to make it to an appointment. I won't be here for the next week, which I told you all the last three classes. So these two assignments are due next Wednesday. No exceptions. Now get out."

I blanked as I heard the students around me get out of their seats. I hadn't been here for the past three classes. I didn't even know what assignment's he was referring to. Dammit.

The guy next to me stood up and tapped me on the shoulder, "Hey, I have the notes from the last few days and today," he handed me his notebook.

"Oh no, no. That's way too nice," I laughed, "it's okay. I can just figure something out."

"I'm not asking you to take them. I'm giving them to you to borrow. I make copies of them in my dorm each day and I already took a picture from today's notes. Besides, how are you going to just figure it out? You only wrote your name." He smiled and wrinkled his nose when he spoke the last part. And in an odd way, it was really cute.

I looked down at my paper and saw my name scribbled on the top. Nothing else was written.

"Yeah," I paused and let out a small laugh, "You're right. Thank you, really. Like, so much. You are a better person than I am."

"I doubt that."

I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back and I felt happy for a moment. I hadn't made many guy friends since I got here, and I had been in a class with this guy all year without starting a conversation. We were both now walking out of the door.

"Again, thank you. I never got your name though?"

"Oh, Calum. And you are Ivy, assuming from when the professor said it, and really don't stress. It's no problem."

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