5 school

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. 6:15 my wake up time. school for me starts at 7:00. so I wake up at this time. so have enough time to get ready. I pry my dreaming dead eyes open. and get blinding by the brightness. I guess I forgot to turn the light off. I force my tired half alive self up. and out of my bed. next I get dress. we have a school uniform at my school. I put on a apple red shirt with a collar. then black pants. after that I go down stairs. brush my teeth. put on deodorant. other things for my hygiene. grab my backpack. oh yeah I almost forgot. I slip on my dirty snow colored shoes. and greenish jacket. I am out the door before 6:20. and before anyone could wake up. I spend the next 40 minutes hanging with a "friend". we eat breakfast together. (not at school at like dunking or somewhere like that). and we drink some coffee. because can't make it though the day without that. then at 8:00  we get to school. (the first hour of school is for breakfast. so it does not matter that we miss that hour.) we split up and go to class. I get to homeroom. a little late because my locker decided. it wanted to play a game. of "how late can we make peter to class". answer 5 minutes late. before class starts. I read a comic I brought. classes starts and it is 8:30. I go to math, science, lunch, reading, then gym. school end at 2:00 sharp. at math I did well ( did not understand anything). I was on fire In science.( my partner almost lit me in fire. also pun intended). lunch was delicious( if I actually was able to get it. I really don't like always being the last to eat.) reading was great ( it was we read a good book.) and gym was fun. (we were gonna play the game I love(basket ball). but instead played the game I am not to fond of. (foot ball)). yeah so that is how my Monday went it was not to bad. until I was about to leave. "hey potty how was your weekend". a rude voice says. I look and see that it is Dylan "hey Dylan it has been fine yours?" i ask in a nice way. life lesson don't egg someone on. be the bigger person. you don't need to fight fire with fire. a extinguisher works fine. and don't let them tear at your walls. once they get past them. it is not going to be easy to put them back up. keep being proud of the person you are. don't let anyone tell you over wise. "it was good but not as good as locking you in your locker" Dylan says. knowing he won't do that. and that if he tries I won't let him. I simply say. "okay Dylan... I am sorry can we have a rain-check in that. I really have to go". I walk past him and head for home. when I hear him say. "before dear old drunk and stereotypical white dad. calls some unsuspecting gay kid a f**". this comment makes me angry and embarrassed. and just stings all together. and I want to turn back and yell. yell at him to mind his own business. ask who told him about that. tell him to stop trying to hurt everyone. i feel like making this a fire fight. but I can't because I know what I really want to do. is yell at my dad. yell at him about why he can't be normal. yell at him for making me have to act a certain way around him. ask him to just... to just accept who I am. I don't even look back. i stopped walking for a second. but started up again. I get out of school. I should try to find my way to back the house. but instead I call someone.....

( what will happen next? who is he meeting up with? is he ever going to confront his father? will I ever learn how to write a story? you can find out....... the first and second one in the next chapter. but third i don't know about. and if you did would probably be somewhere at the end. and hopefully I will be able to write better. it was hard making thus chapter. because since I don't know the situations. I don't know how you would act in them. so yeah. also i hope you liked this chapter and sorry it is late.)

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