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I live with him yet I think of you

The woman stretched and yawned loudly. She scratched her head and sat up on the bed. She looked next to her and saw a figure sleeping under the blanket. For a second she imagined that person as her late lover.

Her Eunbi.

She smiled sadly as she remembered how Eunbi would curl up into a ball and snore softly. How her warmth was better and softer than a blanket. How her sleeping face seemed so peaceful and beautiful.

She couldn't resist the temptation of hugging her Eunbi and jumped onto the person snuggling in closely and trying to remember her lover as best as she could...but as she took in a deep breath...

the scent wasn't her Eunbi's.

It was a musk filled scent...not as sweet as hers. Yewon opened her eyes and sighed sadly as she looked up to see her sleepy husband. The emperor of South Korea, Vernon.

"Hey there~"

He yawned and stretched her arms up and after, wrapped them around Yewon.

"Morning sleepyhead."

They've been living together as a married couple for about a year now. It wasn't as bad as Yewon expected it to be. Vernon is caring, kind, and patient. He understands Yewon's pleads to take it slow, he doesn't know why she asks him such things but he agrees and goes along with it.

It's against his nature to force himself onto her.

He's a gentle soul. Has a beautiful heart and strong mind. A responsible demeanor. As well as a mind capable of keeping everything fair and in order. A great emperor and not that bad as a husband.

The couple got out of bed and got ready. They changed into attire that's appropriate to stay in the palace, they don't have any speeches today but Yewon's uncle and aunt would be returning from vacation so they wanted to welcome them warmly and look appropriate.

The two adults were living in the palace along with the couple. Sojung was living here as well. She and Yewon aren't hostile with each other anymore, they just don't talk as much as they used to, but when they do, it's all friendly.

The couple went downstairs to eat breakfast along with Sojung. They then waited in the throne room for Yewon's aunt and uncle to arrive.

Yewon always gets the chills when she enters this room. This is the room where her father and Eunbi died. She gets a sad feeling when she sits on her throne. She could still remember her lover, on her knees, about to fall, a face of pure pain and a voice that wavered and was quiet. That called out her name.

Yewon clenched her jaw. She gripped on the arm rests of her throne tightly and gulped. She's shed too many tears for Eunbi. She wouldn't want her to be this way.

But she can't help it.

After a few moments, the two adults they were waiting for entered the throne room. Yewon smiled and stood up along with Vernon. They hugged them and welcomed them home. They had a nice conversation and her aunt requested to have a talk with her and Sojung. Yewon didn't know why but she agreed anyway.

The three girls sat on the couches in the living room. Yewon was patiently waiting for her aunt to give her a reason on why she should be here.

"Okay...Yewon, the reason I requested to talk with you is because...I am worried for you and Vernon."

"Vernon and I? Why are you worried?"

"It has been a year...and..royal couples usually begin trying to have a baby by six months...is everything okay?"

"Of course everything is okay! It is just that...we want to take things slow.."

"If you guys have a baby too late, and you guys die, who will take care of them?"

"Sojung do you think we are going to wait until we are fifty to have a baby? No! It is just that we need more time. That is all. Now if you excuse me, I have to go to the restroom."

Yewon stood up, fuming. Of course she wouldn't let Vernon touch her like that, let alone have a baby! She is definitely not ready for that. Until she moves on from Eunbi, she will not have a baby with Vernon.

But what will happen if she doesn't move on? If she can't move on? She hasn't even fully kissed him yet!

Yewon ruffled her hair in frustration and went inside her office. She sat down and sighed as she began to bring out papers to go over. As she was shuffling things in her desk drawer, she stumbled upon a small polaroid picture. As soon as she saw it, she began to tear up.

She carefully brought it out and held it gently in her fingers. She held her other hand to her mouth and began to cry.

It was Eunbi, holding up a finger heart and grinning widely with Yewon kissing her cheek and hugging her from the side.

But why was it in the drawer? She would have this framed if possible! Someone must have found it and put it in here. Last Yewon remembers, it was on her desk leaned on a picture of her late mother and brother, waiting to be framed.

Only one person here would know about my relationship with Eunbi.


She stood up, holding onto the picture, and wiped her tears furiously as she scurried towards the living room. She saw that she was alone and she quickly approached her, showing her the picture.

"Why did you hide it from me? This is like one of the only pictures I have of her!"

"I...I wanted to help you move on. Vernon was sad and nervous that you were still very closed off towards him. I thought that maybe if I hid that picture then it would help you just a bit more...I guess not."

"I'll move on eventually but at least let me keep a memory of when times were much more simple. Please?"

"Okay...I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Next time just talk to me."

"Will do."

Yewon smiled and stood up as she went towards her office again. She placed the picture next to her brother and mother's picture.

But how will she move on from the love of her life?


Sorry for making y'all wait a long time but life got the best of me and I wasn't able to work on this story as much as I wanted to. The next chapter will hopefully come out soon. Thanks for your patience.


Royal Bonds: A Second Chance //K.Y.W x H.E.B x C.H.SWhere stories live. Discover now