Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The short ride to the party was quite awkward. I sat in the back seat with Pop while Ashlee sat in the front seat beside Richie. Let me just tell you, the sexual tension between those two was more obvious than an elephant in a china shop.

Ashlee's green romper had quite the v-neck and after eying her for a good two minutes, Richie had ushered us all into the car and then proceeded to scold her for her choice of clothing. He claimed it was,"a very bad idea to show so much cleavage in a party full of teenage guys."

I find this very hypocritical of him since he is one of those boys and couldn't keep his greedy eyes off her cleavage. I believe Ashlee agreed with me on this point since she spent the car ride telling him that he is a teenage guy and not her father.

Needless to say, Pop and I couldn't be more thrilled to get out of that car.

"Do you think it's over now?" Pop whispered to me after her and I scrambled out of the car. I flinched as Ashlee slammed the car door. 

"You know what Rich-" She began and I widened my eyes as curses fell from her painted lips.

I turned to Pop to see a similar expression on her face. 

"Nope. Not at all." I shook my head as I answered her question and she chuckled. 

She grabbed my wrist lightly and began to pull me towards the lawn of the large, suburban house. 

"Come on. They'll catch up." 

Yeah I'm sure they will so long as they don't kill each other first.

Pop pulled me across the lawn and up the tile steps to the front door. The huge house towered over us. It would be more accurate to call it a mini mansion actually. It is by far the largest in out neighborhood. It's got columns supporting the upper floor balcony and double doors that are 2 times my height.

I moved to ring the doorbell but Pop swatted my hand away, chuckling.

"You have so much to learn my friend." She chimed, shaking her head.

 Pop turned back to the huge wooden door and pushed it open. As soon as she did, the pounding of the music flowed through my ears. I could feel the beat drumming in my chest as we stepped in and I was already feeling the adrenaline pump through my veins. 

I looked around at the corridor. A grand staircase was to the left and to the right of us were multicolored lights that danced around a cleared space. Music pumped through large speakers that were at every corner of the huge room. In the clearing, people could be seen bouncing to the music. Everyone else appeared to be scattered around on couches, drinking out of red solo cups. It seemed everyone had a drink in hand.

Unconsciously, I looked around for an escape route. I may have never been to a high school party, but at family parties at least, my sister always taught me to have a way out, just in case I needed to breathe or take a break from all the noise.

Not to mention, it's a good way to escape the cops if we get busted.

The first thing my eyes found was the glass doors at the very end of the main hallway, towards the back of the house. From what I could see, it lead to a patio. Beyond that, it's too dark to see.

"Hello girls." Jason Fabbiano appeared in front of us, chugging down a beer. "Welcome, welcome. My humble abode is yours, make yourselves comfortable."

I didn't need a breathalyzer to know that he's piss drunk.

Suddenly, his brother, Derek shows up behind him. I've heard a lot about Derek. He was a sophomore in college but he dropped out recently and came home to stay with his family for a while. He's also known as the kind, responsible brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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