chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Class this is jake, our new student."

I look up from my notebook to glance at the new boy, he is tall with medium length brown hair that hangs in his face, he is very pale and has eyes that you can tell absorb everything..

"Earth to Alex!!" says my best friend Molly waving her hand infront of my face, i blink and look at her.

"Yeah?" i reply looking at her wide grin on her perfect supermodle red lips. she laughs and leans back in her chair.

"you like new boy don't you?"

"No, i just space out alot you know this." i quickly look back down at my history notes to aviod anymore conversation.

the chair next to me scrapes across the floor making me look up to see none other than the new boy studing me with those piercing green/gray eyes.

"May i sit here?" his low voice asks making chills run through my body and all i can do is nod as Molly coughs to hide an odvious laugh at my trance. I can't help but smile as i look at her. She leans in closer taking the tip of her red pen out of her mouth to whisper in my ear

"Your luck may be out alex he has to be gay from that polietness." I smile and roll my eyes pushing her back to her side of the table. I glance over at him and see his hand moving at shocking speed on art paper his mind and body compleatly unaware of anything around him..

"Talk to him already instead of drooling like a fool." molly says nudgeing my arm.

i shake my head and almost right away she speaks up

"Hey jake, right?"

He looks up and nods. "Yes, and you?"

'"I'm Molly and this is Alex."

he smiles "Nice to meet you both." his eyes quickly study us both almost fast enough to go un noticed.

"So jake how old are you?" asks Molly after a long drawn out silence.

"18 and yourself?"

"16.." Molly replies almost unauidable

Jake looks at me and i feel my heart pick up its beat.

"And you dear?" he asks his eyes seeming to burn into my soul.

"16." i say my voice shaking and husky.

he nods and Molly keep bombing him with questions all the while i keep catching his eyes, still trying to take in everything around us, trying to take in the world..

The bell finally rings for second period and i see him look down at the poorly handwritten class list from the office as kids push and shove rushing to there social time before classes.

"Need help?" i say as Molly disapers down the hall in search of Cole her going on 3 year boyfriend. Jake nods and hands me the neatly folded paper and i gasp.

"Something wrong?"

i quickly shake my head. "No uhm we just have all the same classes."

he smiles, "I guess that makes your job alot easier then right?"

i smile back and nod "Just follow me."

we walk down the hall full of yelling and kids rushing around or horseplaying ; but as always i still feel alone.. Nothing new..

"Alex are you alright dear?"

I nod giving my normal excuse "I space out alot.."

We finally get to the math room and he holds the door for me and two other girls who act as if he isn't even there. I slide into my desk at the back of the room and he Jake sits in the front in the desk by TJ Evers, also known as the biggest jerk in the school or as the cheerleader refer to him as "the schools own clyde." The teacher stands up as the bell rings and starts going on about equations and how to find the root of i, i tune out and start writing in my personal notebook doodleing along the pages. Mr.hardt sneeks up behind me and snatches up my notebook.

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