Chapter 10

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 He gives me a chilling smile his eyes following my every move my every breath ; the rise and fall of my chest with every shaky breath as I wait for the downfall on my ever going rollercoaster I call life.

"Now that you're here may as well tell you the rules that are pretty much self explanatory" 

He pulls his glasses off his face and wipes the lenses on his button up shirt speaking absent minded to me as if this were an everyday thing to him , as if his brother wasn't a killer and their mass murder of a father wasn't on the hunt for them.. for me.

"Never go into the basement again. Jake has a hard enough time controlling his erm.... Urges  we don't need something happening to you because he would surely become a shadow of Axel."

axel.... the name sends chills up my spine, the door flys open and in with a gust of wind rushes Jake before Dan can get another word in.

"Leave us Dan." he commands in his deep heart stopping voice. Dan raises a hand to speak again and Jake looks at him blood dripping down his face bright against his pale skin.

"what did we agree upon Jake, you told me you'd control it better..."

Jake pulls me to him the smell of blood and a smell only I can remember fills my nose sending a sick feeling throughout my body..

"Jake you didn't.." it comes out a whisper but they both look at me like I just yelled at the top of my lungs.

"He deserved it; I saved that worthless being you call a mother."

the words are said and hang in the air with such weight I can't even process them fully Dan grabs at my arm and Jake yanks his body in front of me

"Look Alex I went back to your place to grab some things I knew youd like to have and he was beating her.. he wont be missed he was worse off than her."

harsh yet true.. I only can manage a nod.

"I'm going to go for a walk.." i mutter and pull out of Jake's grasp my mind a worlwind of thoughts and emotions that i can't seem to let go.

I run down the long hall to try and find my way out, only being in this house once before proves it to be a struggle. I hear music and I follow the sound; coming to a cracked door clouds of smoke slipping into the hall. I peek my head around to see in the crack to see Khole sprawled out on his bed smoking out of a metal tobacco hitter, i reconize the smell from high school parties and various one night lovers of my mother..

"i hear you Alex, may as well join me before the dogs come." he chuckles stiffling a cough i hurry and slip through the crack in the door.

He gestures to the small corner of the bed by his head, "By all means join me." I slowly walk over and sit by him my mind still a blur.

"Would you like a hit? It's nothing to harsh and it may help calm you a bit." he hands me the hitter and a green clear bic lighter. I take it and just stare at it not really knowing what to do.

"Like this hun." he says holding the cool hitter to my lips and lighting the lighter "Breathe in." he commands and I listen, smoke filling my lungs I go to release a cough and he presses his fingers to my lips "No; hold it as long as you can" I nod my eyes watering and my lungs burning begging for air. He finally lets me breathe and I fall off the bed in a coughing attack that sends him into a laughing fit.

"I can see that you're new to this." he says between laughs; everything burns my throat my lungs but I oddly feel a calm numb feeling too almost like I'm not one with my body a distant feeling, it feels good yet scary but i'll take anything at this point.

"you could say that." I choke out getting back on the bed next to him and laying back as everything seems to slow down around me and I feel at ease.

Dan lays back the opposite way his feet on my stomach and pulls my legs across his lap, "So I must ask how you found yourself down this neck of the woods; Jake would never let you down here he's big in anti drugs, unless its to get you to the basement."

basement... The word stupid as it sounds crashes my high and sends chills up my body I go to sit up and Dan sits up as well

"Alex are you okay?" I hear him but my mind cant find the words to reply. I get up and leave his room in another blur not saying anything to him I wander further down the hall and down the stair till I'm at the door. The door.. do I dare open it? I close my eyes and push on the door a little, it creaks open it wasn't shut; meaning Jake was recently down here.. or still is.. I slip through the doorway and carefully put my foot on the wooden stair trying to avoid putting any weight on it, I hear moans of pain and the rattling of chains a shiver goes up my body and I inhale deep and crouch down to peak into the dim lit room.

"mmmm!! mmmmm!!" a girl cries out a gag in her mouth to silence her blood dripping down her naked body from various cuts and other wounds. Then faster than I can register in my mind he's there snatching her up by the throat picking her up so the chains making her dangle off the ceiling pool around her ; he pulls her close a blood smeared knife sparkling in the light pressed against her cheek.

"I said to be silent adulteress!" his voice sends more chills through me but not cold or fearful ones theyre like electricity throughout my body.

"Who's there?!" his deep voice calls out looking my way my heart drops and I walk down the rest of the stairs until I'm fully in his view.

"Alex?" his voice softens and the knife drops to the ground the silence making it echo throughout the whole room almost like a bomb went off.

"Jake what are you doing?" I ask slowly stepping towards him

the girl is in a trance looking back and forth between us the fear still in her eyes we lock eyes for a brief moment and she looks at me almost saying "thank you" with her eyes.

"Jake, look at me." I say grabbing his hand trying to make my shaky voice sound commanding; but that was a mistake before I can react he snatches me up and I'm against the cold hard concreate floor a pain going up my body but I'm numb at the same time. our eyes never unlock as he franticly grabs for his knife and I swallow as the cold metal presses against my throat, my Jake isn't here right now this is the Jake I need to get through to, The Jake I need to overcome my fear of..

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