Chapter 2

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                Chapter 2 -

        My mouth drops as we pull into the neighborhood Jake calls his home. Manishons and castle like houses line both sides of the street, new cars and boats sitting in the drive ways looking untouched; a sort of perfect doll house look to it. "Told you Alex. He lives in prepville central"  i can't help but look down at my clothes and feel yet again out of place. "Maybe we shoould go home.." i say my voice quiet an childlike. Molly ignores me and pulls up next to the curb a few feet away from the biggest house of the lot. I look up and feel my whole body instantly cover in goose bumps. Flashbacks fill my now dizzy head and i can;t help but let out a gasp of shock as the dream comes back to me; hitting my mind like a frieght train. 

        "My love hurry before they find us!" my dream self yells above the howling wind to an unknown black clad figure standing in the mist of a on coming storm. The castle door opens with a loud creak and i run into it not bothering to pull the figure inside with me. inside the piano is loud and out of tune the high and low notes giving the room a more eerie feeling than before. my long black victorian dress drags behind me as i cross the marble floor my shoes clicking with every step... "Young Alexa i'm so happy you could join us." says a very accented voice, the sybirian accent making his words drip with temptaion and danger; sending shivers up my spine. With one swift movement i'm in his arms, his soft rose petal like lips trailing kissing down my collar line.. my long blood red fingernails intangle with his curly dark hair as his sharp glowing teeth nip at the skin. I inhale as the bite gets harder. no longer gental or caring... A sharp pain enters my back an i look back and see the now gleaming blood dripping dagger in his hand.. and then i black out...."

"ALEX!!!!" yells molly slapping my forearm making my flashblack shattter and myself jump and hit my head on the window. "Are you okay, you had me all freaked out; you started shaking and saying weird shit.." I nod and get out of the car setting my bag on the floor and slowly closing the door behind me. "Are you sure about this Alibear?" i nod and take a deep breath my heart rate rising making my skin spot red and my body feel scorching hot. i take the path to the front door slowly keeping my eyes on the black draped floor to celing windows making sure no one was inside. the driveway empty reliveing only a tiny bit of my inner conflict with this stalking thing i'm puling. 

"You should have just asked him to invite you over.." i mumble to myself walking up the front steps to the tall middle aged time looking door. The house resembled to every point the castle you would see in a old timed horror movie with the lightning and someone being held captive or a monster being created inside. I hold up my hand to knock then put it down as the door flies open and i'm greeted by a very hyper and cheery boy with very light brown hair that is almost red at the same time. "HELLO!!! I'M DANTE!!!!"  i can't help but smile. "I'm Alex, are you Jake's brother?" he smiles an shakes his head; "Not really but yes we sorrta are we all came from mother and father!"

"Dante who is that at the door?" Calls a deep melodic voice from a distance. "A girl who knows Jake from school!!!!!!"

"Jake... oh no.." the door opens wider to reveal an older looking man. "You know Jake?" i nod not knowing what to say. "And he sent you here?" he asks his voce filled with worry.  i feel my heart start to pick up. "n..nno.." the man sighs, "Good, please come in." I follow the man and Dante into a breath taking room. The man gesters to a leather seat and i sit trying to to show my amazement. "Jake should not ne home until four." i nod and look down not meeting than man' s eyes.   "I'm Alex by the way.." i say holding out my hand to shake his ; he shakes mine and nods "Dan." He replys sitting watching as Dante jumps up and down in his seat. "Dante go tell Khole we have a guest." Dante runs off leaveing us in a silence.  Finally he speaks, "What brings you here if i may ask?" i look down. "I really don't know sir, Jake just goes to our school and he had this way to him that i wanted to know more about i guess.." I stop rambling and he smiles at me. "You like him yes?" i look at him shocked "We just met." "I didnt hear a no though dear," i look down yet again at the white marble floor . "You seem very nice Alex so im going to give you some very wise advice about all of us." he takes one of my hands in his cold smooth ones and i look into his dark eyes that seem to go on forever. "Forget about us; leave Jake alone, dont pursue him trust me he isnt soemthing you want to get invovled with."  "Why?" Dan looks at me a flash of worry in his eyes. "You are the first person to ask why against my advice, but he is very diffrent; we all are but Jake had it the worse growing up."  As i open my mouth to speak the front door opens and loud footsteps fill the silent air until Jake is visable.. covered in blood.. "ALEX!?!!" "Jake!" DAn and i both stand up at the same moment and his arm blocks the path between jake an i. "Jake the blood." Dan says silently as if i could not here him but JAke just ignores him. "She may as well know the truth Dan!" he yells pushing dan aside with enough force i am shoved off balence. "Jake she is of no harm!!!" Dan yells in protest. my body says run as does my head but i stand in my pkace and look at jake his eyes glowing more than at school but with a sort of power hungry look than a look of inner fear as before.. "Know what." i fianlly state my body filling with a sensation ive never had before; a mixture of fear an wanting to reach out to comfort him.. Before i can pull back /jake has my arm in a tight death lock and is dragging me to a door way with a huge skelton key in the lock. Its dark as we decend down stairs my foot catching everynow and then making him pull on me tighter, a light switch is fliped an the room is now dimly illimated. I look around to see cages, knifes, anything to kill torture or harmful to anyone or anything. my body starts to shake but i feel oddly calm as i look at jake an to the chains dangling above him covered in what looks to be fresh blood. "I hurt people." he finally says "I enjoy it; it's what i do." i wait a split second then hug him ignoreing every part of me screaming no; every voice telling me how stupid i am. i hold on to him and for a split second he does the same, but only for a second then i am forcefully pushed off. "I'll hurt you." i look down "I know." "Dosent that scare you? OR make you sick i do this for the fun and pleasure?" "No..." "You dont think me mad??" His voice isnt as powerful as before so i use this moment to close the newly formed space between us. "No." i say again looking into his eyes seeing the same Jake i saw at school today.. just less defeneless in my eyes. i put my hand softly on his arm "I'm here for you Jake." he pulls his arm back. "You should leave Alex.." i turn and walk up the stair hopeing with every step he calls me back down to him, but as i reach the top step all my hopes are crushed; and even more so as i open the door and walk into the living room. Dan i swaiting by the front door the look of utter shock crossing his face as he sees me. "You're alive!!!" he says even more shocked. I smile and shake my head, "Why wouldn't i be?" Dan just looks at me still shocked. "No one ever makes it out of there alive.." i smile again; the feeling of hope and something I haven't felt for a long time crosses over me.. "Nice meeting you Dan." i say and walk out the door and down the path to Molly's waiting car, I get in and before the door is closed i'm bombed with questioning looks from Molly. "Yes Molly i love you." i say with a hint of playfulness in my voice. she just shakes her head pulling out of the neighborhood. "What took you so long?" she fianlly asks turning onto the highway that leads to Cole's part of town. "Jake came home..." i mutter looking out the window not ready to awnser all her questions. "WHAT!?!"  "I'll tell you later let's just get to Cole's.." She nods knowing the subject is closed until I want to tell her.. The rest of the drive is in silence until we reach Cole's small Three bedroom brick house that reminds me of a doll house almost by the way his parents are OCD about it being "oh so perfect" Molly runs out of the car and into her boyfriend arms, instantly glued to him. I walk into the game room and see Tylar sitting there as always. As the years have passed me and him have become third wheel buddies. And we love the same games.. "So hows school?" he asks making small talk in the middle of a close round of COD. "Same.. we got a new kid named Jake, he's pretty cool.." i  trail off being very vauge in my awnsers. Tylar pauses the game and looks at me with a look of concern and his normal goofy "Don't take me seriously" look. "Okay Alex what's up?" I look at him counfused, " You're barely talking you look more sad and distant than normal and your'e losing.. badly.." I look down at the white controller in my hand. The only thing that flashes in my head is that basement and him.. Tylar comes closer to me, "Talk to me Alex, you know i'm here for you." I look at him but i cant tell him.. not this.. "It's nothing." i say and his tan musclar arms are around me; it's nice for a second then im on the cold hardwood floor. "HEY!!" i yell looking up at his smirking face. i grab his leg and pull him to the ground with me. We wrestle around until i finally have him pinned my knees holding down his wrists. he smiles up at me his dark dirty blond hair falling into his eyes. "hey their." he says in a playful tone. i roll my eyes "Hey down there." he just looks at me. "Your'e so pretty Alex.." "no i'm not." he turns throwing me onto the ground and despite my struggle pinning me underneath him. He leans down pushing my black and red tinted hair out of my face. "yes you are, i'm not kidding." i half smile aat him and he leans in closer to me and i use all my might and push him off, "Look ty, we're friends.. it'd be too weird.. i'm sorry.." tylar waves it off. "It's cool let's pretend it never happened. okay?" i nod; "okay."  My phone rings and as always i awnser it without looking. 

"Hello?"  "Alex?" asks a voice that sends shivers up my body. "Yes.. who is this?"  and as if i didnt already know "Jake." i swallow nervousness rising in my body. "Jake as in new boy Jake?" "Yes ma'am."  "Oh hi.." "Is something wrong dear?" "Not at all." he makes a sound almost like a laugh. "You do know i can tell your lying." i sigh shaking my head. "You caught me but can i ask why you called?"  


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