Chapter 3

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There's an akward silence as i wait for his response.. my heartbeat picking up with every second, 

"Yes, i want you to come over." my heart drops ten feet into the ground. "Y..yyou what??" play it cool alex. don't freak out. "Come over." i look at Tylar who gives me a blank and confused look. "Uhhh, i don't know jake.." "Please Alex, i'll even come get you. just name the place darling." i bite my lip an look around the room. "I can't stay long..."  "Yes, of course because of school. Where  shall i get you?" "The church on main street.. Do you know where it is?" "Yes i know that place well." I open my mouth to say more but am greeted by the dial tone. Tylar stands up and looks at me worried; "Who was that?"  i grab my bag and jacket off the back of the chair and go to leave. "A friend, tell Molly i'll call her later tonight.." i walk out so he can't protest; the sunset and humid air greeting me and making my skin sticky, just adding to my nervousness. As i walk down the street to the church my mind wanders.. What would it be like to kiss him, to be in his arms; held tightly.. i shake the thoughts out of my head. What am i thinking?! a sudden breeze send a chill up my back, "Alex?" says a voice i will never forget.  "Hi jake." i say walking to the street light where is he leaning up againt it with such a stance as to say he is dangurous and mysterious.. it makes me smile.   He comes closer wraping his arms ever so gently around my waist as if it might snap with any pressure. This was new but i ignored it trying to calm the uneven beating of my heart. "What's wrong Jake?" He dosen't awnser , just contuines to hold me as the final bit of the pinkish sky turns to black.. I shiver as soft fingertips brush along my jawline. my skin suddenly flaming hot as i feel myself blush. "I'm so glad you decided to meet me Ali.." my breath catches in my throat. "What did you call me?" He smiles a devious smile showing a hint of his gleaming white teeth. "Ali?" i swallow my throat seeming to be dry as ever my palms sweating. "Where did you hear that?" again that smile.. "I also have my ways of getting information young Alexa."  My whole body goes cold as he says those words.. "Young Alexa..." i mutter my head getting dizzy. Suddenly i feel an iron hard grip on my wrist pulling me along down the sidewalk.  "Jake your hurting me!!!" i yell trying to pry his arm off or at least away from my still fresh cuts. He dosen't listen and keeps walkng picking up the pace until we reach a dark wooded area. Fear enters my body but i shake it off as memorys of dreaded nights fill my mind causing me to be on the brink of shutting down.. no jake needs me.. His grip finally loosens and he starts shaking, pulling me to him and not letting go. "Jake?" i say frightened for him. i take my other hand a reach up to ocomfort him but he grabs it with greater force than before. "Jake, let go please.. You're hurting me.." i plea trying to coax him out of his state. His face is blank no evidence of my school Jake present. Just blank an cold...

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