Chapter 8

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 Before i can react to his touch he ha me cradled in his arms and is carring me back to my room. "I'm so sorry Jake.." he puts a finger to my lips with a disaproving look. "There is no need for an apology from you my flower, it was simply a brief moment in which i will help overcome." He pulls me closer to him and presses his lips against my forehead. "I'm here for you Alex, dont you fret."  Next thing i know he is slowly and so softly laying me down on my bed pulling the black comferter back and then covering me with it like im a five year old being tucked in. He goes to stand and i dont let go of his neck i just keep my hold making him choose between breaking my hold or staying with me. He smiles and lays next to me pulling me closer so my head is on his chest instead of the pilliow. i feel myself drift off as he combs through my hair gently sending comferting shivers from my scalp to my feet.. 

        ~ the satin dress clings to my body as i walk across the all to fimilar marble floor. "Hello anyone?" i calll out into the silence, everything seems to echo as i walk to the grand stone fireplace that lights the room. I stare into the flames my pale skin seeeming to glow. "Are you scared ?" A fimilair breathy  accented voice asks from behind me. "no." i reply turning to face the man. Asharp pain enters my abdomen and i let out a scream of panic.. everything around me once again shatters . ~

"Alex calm down its just a dream!!" pleas Jakes voice from beside me. I open my eyes to see nothing but darkness and a dim outline of my room as my eyes try to adjust, "Jake??" i call out paniced. his hand rubs my back pulling me to him again. "Yes love," he whispers in my ear sending shivers up my body.  "What time is it?" he clicks his phone and light fills the room. "3:45 am" i snuggle myself back into him and burry my face in his chest, he holds me nit saying anything. "Did i wake you?" i finally ask looking up at him. "No i woke up long ago, you're so cute when you sleep love." "Jake?" "Yes love?" i move as close as possible to him, "Kiss me." he laughs under his breath an tilts my head up to his pressing his lips to mine.. A buzzing from between our bodies makes me laugh and break up our kiss. Which was utter heaven to me , Making my body feel as if a wild fire had claimed it as its own. 

"Hello? Yes Dante. No dante i'm not going to." I bite my lip wanting to know what theyre talking about. "Tell Jim and Dan im fine and you know better!! DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jake hangs up the phone and slams in it onto my bedside dresser. My heart starts to pick up pace as he sits beside me his whole body tense an shaking. "Jake let me help you somehow.." i say moving closer so im again laying on his chest just this time looking into his fear an rage strickin eyes. "He'll kill us all..." "What??"  "Axel." the name comes out a fear and hate filled whisper "Jake talk to me please." the sound of cruching gravel of my drive way makes me jump up ans rush to the window. My mother shouldnt be here...  "Its only Dan dont fret sweetie, he's here to be sure o havent killed anyone inlcluding myself.." helaughs a little "As if that is possible" Before i can say anymore he leave the room an walks to the front door where a light rappping is heard from Dan knocking on the door. I stay put for a few moments then slowly make my way to the living room. 

 Dan smiles at me like he did when we first had met . "goodevning Alex." he says i smile not knowing what to say back. They all amaze me and look simulalr but so different. "So he's coming to see us after all this time."   Dan just looks at jake then to me with no expression at all. "Jake don't worry we will keep him away from you." Jake laughs under his breath an pulls me into his arms. " It's not me we have to worry about now, that bastard has taken eerything from us possible whats to stop him from taking her?" My heart drops into my stomach.. Everyone is silent and no one moves at all;Dan clears his throat and Jake hugs me tighter against his chest I feel his heart pounding and his body heat almost scorching.

 “She’ll stay with us under our protection and roof.”

 Dan declares; Jake loosens his hold an turns me to look into his eyes,

“Go pack your things love, I’m keeping you from all harm including the harm that is caused from this place.”

 I look from Jake to Dan before I walk down the hall and back into my bedroom.

 “Dating a killer and running away with him all in the same day.. This has to be some sort of record somewhere..”

 I pull my black and red duffle bag out from under my bed an unzip it to find it full of knives, blades, an empty pill bottles.


 I rush and shut the door and twist the lock; Jake would kill me or be triggered if he saw this.  I open my bottom drawer take out all my pants and dump the bags contents into it and shut it without a second thought. My past may haunt me but not tonight… Not when Jake needs me more than I need myself.  I empty my dresser and shove all the small important things I have into the bag and zip it up. My whole life accumulates into one bag. No one would know I’m gone until the house is dirty again or the bills go UN paid so I wouldn’t be looked for. I won’t even leave her a goodbye note; she isn’t worth it in my eyes… I walk back into the living room and set my bag and book bag for school on the couch I can hear Jake and Dan talking outside so I pull on my hoodie and walk out onto the front steps with them.  Jake turns around to me an smiles a little half smile and pulls me next to him, I shiver as a feeling of safety oddly crosses over my body.

                 “I’ll get your bags dear get in the car with Dan where it’s warm.”  I nod and follow Dan in the dimly illuminated darkness of my housing area. He opens the door of I think is a grey older style car but looks to be worth millions.  He opens the back door for me an makes sure I’m in then shuts the door and opens the driver’s door for himself.  We sit in silence until Jake opens the door next to me and sets my two bags in.  He tilts my shin up to look at him a softly kisses my forehead then shuts the door and opens the passenger side door, before I know it we’re pulling out of the complex an onto the main road towards his house..  The roads are crowded as everyone rushes to get home after a long work day and roads are slick after being washed by the street cleaners. Cars slip and slide but don’t put a break in the rush to get home to families and hot meals or TV’s and takeout food.  The sound of screetching tires breakes the calming silence an then the crunch of metal against metal. 

"Alex get down!" jake screams trying to reach back to me from the front of the car. before i can even think of moving blackness hits me. the type of blackness thats destructive yet has a sense of beauty.  


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