Part 8

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"Ishu..", she heard someone calling her and turned only to see her Amma standing there with moist eyes.

She walked towards her with slow steps, amma caressed her face slowly and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Both the mom daughter duo were having tears in their eyes.

Ishita: Amma *she whispered slowly trying to believe that she is actually standing in front of her for real*

Amma: Kanna.. kaise ho??
(How're you kanna)

Ishita: I'm good amma.. how're you and appa.. he still angry on me na..

Amma: You know your appa na.. he too misses you but won't agree.. woh sab chodo tumhara pati kaisa hai.. he is keeping you happy na..
(Leave all this, how is your husband)

Ishu: Haan amma.. he is too good.. I'm happy with him..

Talking to each other mother daughter duo reached outside the temple. Raman saw them together, his eyes turned red in anger seeing Amma there. They came near him, he was about to shout at them but stopped himself seeing Ishu's smile. He didn't want to wipe that smile from her face. He was clutching the bike handle tightly to control his anger. The scenes where Mr Iyer insulting his chote papa and choti maa flashing in front of him, he closed his eyes tight.

He felt a feathery touch on his face and opened him eyes only to see Amma caressing his face.

Amma: Kanna.. I know you are angry on us.. I'm sorry about all the insults you faced due to Ishu's appa.. But still you kept my daughter happy, didn't show your hatred for us on her.. Thank you kanna..

A small droplet felt on Raman's palm making him realise that she is crying.

Raman: It's okay aunty.. you don't have to thank me for keeping Ishu happy, instead I should thank you for bringing my Ishu on this world..

Amma: So am I forgiven.. and don't call me aunty, call me amma.. you are also my son..

Raman smiled at her and spoke: Teek hai amma..

The bid bye to each other and went back home. Ishita was smiling all the way, while Raman was guilty for separating her from her parents.

Soon they reached back home, Ishita went to make dinner while Raman was lost in his thoughts.

Ishita*asked her while coming out of kitchen with their dinner*: Raman where're you lost? Bhook nahi hai kya?? Chalo mein khaana lagathi hum..
(Aren't you hungry. Come I'll serve the dinner.)

He nodded his head and sat on his place. Seeing his still lost in thoughts, she sat on his lap and caressed his hair.

Ishita: What are you thinking??

He smiled at her and shook his head as if stating nothing.

Ishu: Then eat naa..

Raman: But my hands are busy naa.. *he said showing his hands which were inside her tees caressing her bare tummy* you feed me..

She blushed and smiled at his antics and began feeding him, in between eating herself. After completing dinner, he helped her clean the dishes and picked her back to their room.

Both were lost in themselves, she was laying with her head resting on his shoulder while he was caressing her hair slowly and both slipped into a deep slumber.

Days passed, all was going smoothly.

Ishita called Raman and asked him to come home early.

He was waiting for an auto as his bike was in service station, when he saw a car stop near him. It was Mr Iyer inside, seeing him Raman got angry. But Mr Iyer came out of the car and smirked at him.

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