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I head into school and go about classes as usual until lunch comes around. I decide to head to the library and talk to Levy and on the way I see Natsu's flirting again. I purposely walk by them but don't say a word. I'm angry beyond words right now and I want him to know that. I soon hear footsteps behind me and stop dead in my tracks.

"Touch me and I'll slap you through the wall." I growl menacingly and hear the footsteps stop.

"I'm sorry." I hear Natsu say sadly

"Sorry won't cut it anymore. Words mean nothing to me. Especially from you." I say with emotion in my voice because I'm fighting back tears.

I keep walking and head into the library and hide in the back corner. I see Levy come up and she has a sad look on her face.

"Lucy....he hurt you?" She asks sadly

"Just his flirting. He keeps saying he wants me and wants me to be his but if he's going to constantly flirt then I don't want him. To me it's cheating." I explain and fight back tears.

"You like him a lot don't you?" She asks and I nod. "Does he like you just as much?" She asks and again I nod. "I don't think he sees the harm in flirting. If you want him to stop I suggest something that will make him realize what he's doing to you."

"Like what?"

"Flirt with guys. Namely I suggest one of his friends. I think flirting with Gray will really get under his skin because they are really close. All three seem to have a interest in you right?"

"Yeah. They all would look at me like they wanted to eat me."

"Well then let Gray nibble a bit. Flirt with him." She says with a grin.

"I'm not the flirty type though. I don't know how to flirt." I admit shyly

"Bat your eyes, flip your hair, giggle, get really close to him maybe even gently touch him like run your fingers across his chest or something. There's a lot you can do."

"I guess..."

"I swear Lucy it will work. People don't like getting a taste of their own medicine. Just be sure to do it when he's nearby. I know he won't like it and if he gets mad just flat out tell him you're not his, you guys never got together so he shouldn't be jealous. If that's not a slap in the face to bring him to earth then I don't know what is."

"Alright Levy. I'll do this. I'll start tomorrow. I need to gather myself first. I just hope I don't see him flirting again....actually I hope I do. It will fuel my anger and desire to give him a taste of his own medicine." I say firmly and Levy smiles

"That's it. It may seem harsh but if it gets you two together in the end then so be it." She says and the bell rings.

I exit the library and head to class. I don't see Natsu anywhere the rest of the day. After the last class I head to my car and see Natsu with a girl up against the wall. Both of them smiling at each other and talking like they were together. That pushed me over the edge. I took a quick picture and left. The girl saw me and just smiled. As I was pulling away In my car Natsu saw me and lowered his head.

"Yeah Natsu. I hope you do feel bad. But tomorrow you're going to feel worse." I grumble out loud and drive off.

I get home and just head to my room. I make sure my window is closed and locked tightly and played music on my radio. Anything to help me relax because I'm feeling so much. I feel angry and betrayed and sad and upset and so many other things! I can't even think straight.

Why? Why him? Why do I feel so hurt by him and we aren't even together?! I don't know what to do but sit on my bed and cry silently. I shouldn't hurt like this over a guy I'm not even in a relationship with. I cry for a bit then decide to take my emotions and turn them into anger for tomorrow so I can show him how much he hurts me.

Blazing Stars (Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now