Homecoming dance

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Lucy POV
It's the night of homecoming and I'm currently getting ready for the dance. I got a black dress that looks absolutely amazing on me and shows off my curves. I love the dress but I'm afraid of the attention I'd draw. I'm going to see if I can mingle and make friends but I got a feeling I'll be coming home with a sore hand from slapping guys for hitting on me.

Once I'm satisfied with my look I grab my small purse and stuff my phone and ID along with some money in it and head out. I pass by my parents who of course stopped me for a few pictures and to remind me to be careful on my way out. They are letting me use the car tonight so they don't have to worry about how I'm getting home. They know I drive safe and I most likely won't be there long.

I pull out of the drive way and drive up to the school that's only a few miles from my house. I park the car and take a deep breath and remind myself that this is just to be able to meet people and I can leave whenever I want. Once I'm calm I exit the car and walk inside. I see a lot of people there and immediately feel crowded and out of place.

I know no one but that's why I'm here so I can meet people. I look around and see some familiar faces that I see in school. I smile and keep scanning the room until I see a few guys I didn't want to see. The same guys that have been making me uneasy since school started. A guy with blonde hair, a guy with short black hair and a guy with pink hair. I'll admit they are all attractive but they are looking at me like I'm a T-bone steak and they are hungry wolves.

I decide it's best to avoid them so I make a beeline to the other side of the room and end up running into a small girl with blue hair. She looks at me annoyed at first because I bumped into her but she soon relaxes.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you!" I apologize and help her regain her footing.

"It's ok. No harm done. Are you ok?" She asks nicely

"Yeah. I just got creeped out by some guys. They were looking at me like I was a steak and they were hungry dogs or something." I say with a small laugh and she giggles

"Let me guess. Guys that have blonde, black and pink hair?" She asks with amusement


"The guy with blonde hair is Sting, Black hair is Gray and pink hair is Natsu. They won't hurt you physically but they can and usually do emotionally. They are all heartbreakers and just mess around with girls for fun." She explains and I sigh heavily.

"Great. More pain." I groan

"What do you mean?" She asks curiously. "Oh I'm Levy by the way."

"I'm Lucy and what I mean is a just transferred to this school to avoid problems. I left my old school because girls were bullying me because they were jealous." I explain and she looks at me shocked.

"Jealous of what?"

"My body and how I look. I'm naturally blonde and have what they called a amazing body so they'd bully me."

"That's not nice. You have a amazing body and look like a angel from where I'm standing." A guys voice says from behind me making me jump. "Relax. I'm sorry I scared you. I'm Natsu. What's your name?"

"Lucy. What do you want?" I ask with annoyance

"Just to get to know you. I see you around school a lot and you're always alone."

"It's by choice. I'm not a people person."

"Yet you're here talking to Levy just fine. Do you like girls instead of guys?" Natsu asks sadly and motions to Levy.

"I like girls as friends only for your information and I avoid guys because they are all the same in my eyes. They just want sex and I won't give it to them. I'll warn you now, try it and you'll be found with your feet sticking out of a dumpster." I tell him menacingly and I see him swallow hard.

Blazing Stars (Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now