5. To the Stars

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Mrs Darling fixed her hair in the mirror and smiled at the end result. The dress had mercifully turned out well. She smoothed the material, admiring her narrow waist –  the result of much hard work. She'd finally managed to lose the weight she'd put on with Michael. She thought of Margaret Gere's snide comments last time,

"It must be hard to feel feminine anymore. I'm so glad not to have had any – I'd be simply miserable with my body after giving birth, but it suits you."

Mrs Darling's nostrils flared with remembered ire. This was George's night, of course it was, but it felt like it was her night also. Tonight going well, looking beautiful and being admired – it meant a great deal to Mrs Darling.

                  "Wendy, have you seen my cufflinks?" Mr Darling asked, knocking before entering the nursery.

"Sorry father, I checked all over." Wendy had her sleeves rolled up and front of her apron was wet from just helping nana with bath time. Mr Darling frowned as Wendy started tidying the nursery.

"You should be studying, leave this stuff to nana," he critiqued.

Wendy paused, facing the dollhouse.

"If I study more, can I stay?"

"Not now, Wendy." Mr Darling looked down at his shirt sleeves. He'd had to make do with his usual cufflinks. He hoped that they'd turn up eventually, they'd been a wedding present.

"George, we're going to be late." Mrs Darling called from the next room.

"I won't go to America." Wendy declared, turning to face her father. "I'll starve myself," she threatened.

"Don't be so dramatic, Wendy." Mr Darling felt himself getting cross. He wanted to be close with his family, he cared for them deeply – why couldn't the children understand that? When he threw himself into his work, it was to improve things – for them, for their futures. They were the reason he fought so hard for reforms. 

"I mean it, I'd rather died than leave you all!"

"Enough!" Mr Darling barked, his temper snapping. "You read too many stories, they've filled your head with... ridiculous notions. You have no idea what your mother and I have sacrificed to give you this opportunity. You're being shockingly ungrateful and spoilt."

"But I don't want-"

"Grow up Wendy!" He snapped, his cheeks flushing a mottled crimson. "Wake up from your childish fairy tales. We can't always have what we want!"

"I HATE YOU!" Wendy clapped her hands over her mouth, shocked by the words that had slipped out. A heavy silence descended over the nursery as father and daughter stared wide-eyed at one another. 

Mrs Darling entered the room, ushering in John and Michael ahead of her.

"Time for bed, children."

Wendy turned away, quickly wiping her tears as discreetly as she could.

"Goodnight father." John bid his father with awkward formality. Mr Darling merely nodded in response, struggling for composure.

"Wendy?" Mrs Darling asked, noticing that something was wrong. Wendy turned back, smiling brightly to hide her teary eyes.

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