38. Epilogue: A Smile in Your Heart

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Five years later...

The motion of the waves rocked the ship and Wendy sighed in her sleep. A small smile tweaked her lips and she snuggled deeper into her blanket, rubbing her face against the soft material. The low morning sun bathed her in a warm, pinkish glow. Five years had passed, since the death of Pan – and things were a little different now.

Wendy's hair was tied back in a braid, but the front curls had come free and were spilling over her adult face. Her cheeks had lengthened and hollowed – no longer girlishly round. Her legs were stretched out on the deck – long and willowy. In the five years, she grown taller – her chest filling out, hips broadening beneath her sword belt. She was finally, a woman.

Hook crossed the deck toward her. A gentle breeze ruffled his loose, untucked shirt. He'd grown a thick, neatly kept beard in the last year and his dark hair was pulled back into a bun. His thick brows relaxed at the sight of Wendy sleeping and his dark eyes sparkled. Wendy mumbled in her sleep, her tongue poking out to taste the sea air.

She moved her head, loosing her balance and jolted awake suddenly. Hook chuckled at her confused expression. She scowled up at him and he quickly turned his laugh into a cough. Wendy grumbled as she rubbed her stiff neck.

"What time is it?" She asked groggily.

"Dawn." He turned his back to her and gazed out at the horizon. "Fancy some breakfast?"

Wendy shook her head.

"I want to go back to sleep." She pulled her blanket up to her chin and closed her eyes against the sun's glare.

"You could sleep better below deck." Hook offered. Wendy didn't reply – she didn't need to. He knew her reason. She preferred to sleep beneath the stars – to feel free.

Birds soared high across the sky. Hook watched their flight – he had a distant memory of his mother teaching him about the formation of birds. Certain formations were meant to bring good luck. He scratched his jaw. It had been a long time since he'd thought about his mother. Hook started to sing, it was an old sea shanty that his mother had used to sing for him.

Wendy's eyes fluttered open and she stared at Hook's profile as he sang. She hummed quietly along and - as she did so – her thoughts drifted to a green park in London. Where a busker had been singing and a school girl had left her friends behind so that she could listen...

Wendy got up and sidled to Hook's side. He finished his song and smiled across at her.

"You know," she mused softly, "I have the strangest feeling that I've heard that song before. When I was very young." She tilted her head, resting it on Hook's shoulder. "What's it called?"

"When There's a Smile in your Heart."

The wind picked up and Wendy cuddled closer against Hook. He held his breath – staring determinedly at the open sea. The years had changed a lot of things, mainly – Wendy no longer looked like a little girl. She looked like a woman. An attractive woman. Hook swallowed nervously, his palms becoming sweaty.

"I like it, it's a lovely song." Wendy murmured sweetly, she looked up at him and smiled. "You've got a good voice." Wendy's smile stretched into a grin. "Are you blushing Captain Hook?" She teased. Hook cleared his throat and attempted to swat her away.

"No," he countered quickly. Wendy poked his side playfully.


          Up in the crow's nest, Scuttle and Flit watched the couple.

"You know what, Flit," Scuttle mused thoughtfully.


"I don't reckon Miss Lily is the captain's daughter. I reckon they made that up."

Flit rolled his eyes.

"You surprise me, Scuttle." He replied – the sarcasm completely lost on his friend.

"I'm serious. You know, I think-" But the rest of his words were cut off by Flit stuffing an orange slice into his mouth.

"Concentrate on chewing, Scuttle."

Scuttle protested, but his words were an unintelligible mumble. "Eat your fruit." Flit chided. "You need the vitamins. You've been looking tired lately." Flit looked down at his hands as he spoke, his ears turning slightly pink. Scuttle wagged a disapproving finger at the younger man, but obediently ate the orange slice.

             Down below, Hook and Wendy stopped play fighting. They were standing facing one another – almost the same height now. Wendy was breathless from laughing, her expression radiant in the morning sun.

"Captain!" Called a voice from the helm. "Captain, the ships wheel is turning on its own again!"

Hook and Wendy observed as the Second Star abruptly changed course.

"This is it," breathed Wendy – her heartbeat picking up. "We've found the Crocodile."

Hook put on his hat, a new feather extravagantly flopping over its rim.

"Men, to your posts!" He barked. The crew flocked out onto the deck – having flung themselves from their hammocks. "Scuttle!" He shouted up to his friend.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Hoist the colours."


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