3. Shadow from the Sky

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John peered into the shadows beneath Michael's bed, and the dark stared back. Sweat rolled down his neck, causing the skin to prickle in fear. Bright, shining eyes blinked open in the gloom and moved toward him. John scrambled frantically backwards on his stomach.

"John?" Wendy went down to her knees at his side,putting out a hand to protectively shield him.


The children stared as the shadow crawled out from beneath the bed and crouched low in front of them. John cowered back, clutching tightly onto Wendy's arm. But she stared in admiration – leaning eagerly forward. "What are you?" She breathed, in awe. The shadow appraised her, cocking his head to the side. "Can't you speak?" The shadow shook his head.

It was the shadow of a boy, about her age and height. "My name's Wendy. These are my brothers, John and Michael. Please don't be shy – we won't hurt you." She smiled reassuringly. The shadow adjusted his position, sitting cross-legged in front of her. "How did you get here, I wonder." Wendy mused, "are you lost?"

The shadow slowly nodded.

"Perhaps we can help." Wendy suggested brightly. She gave John a prod. He straightened up and nodded in agreement, wiping his sweaty palms on the front of his pyjamas.

"Yes lets!" Michael agreed enthusiastically.

                Wendy found a map of London but the shadow shook his head. John retrieved the atlas from the library but this didn't help either.

"Where could you be from?"

The shadow pointed up at the ceiling.

"The sky?" John guessed. The shadow nodded. "Perhaps he's an alien?" John suggested.

"How terribly exciting, and tragic," Wendy murmured happily. "How ever will we help him home now?"

"He can stay, can't he?" Michael asked, yawning sleepily. It was now definitely past his bedtime.

"Yes, indeed." Wendy decreed resolutely. Her caring nature couldn't contemplate the idea of shunning this mysterious house guest. Michael clapped happily. "But we mustn't tell mother and father." She added quickly, "they might not like it." The boys solemnly promised not to say a word.

Wendy set up a camp bed in the nursery for the shadow. It was strange, because the shadow floated up before flopping down to be cast against the bed sheets. Could he even feel them? Wendy wasn't sure, but it felt harsh not to set him up a bed at all. Puzzling it over, Wendy tucked Michael into bed. Little Michael rolled onto his side.

"Will you still be here in the morning?" He asked sleepily. The shadow nodded.

Content, Michael snuggled back against his pillow - his eyes already fluttering shut.

"Nighty night, Michael." Wendy whispered softly, kissing him on the forehead. "John, your glasses." She reminded him, noticing that her brother had forgotten to take them off. John set them down on his bedside table, yawning loudly.

"Goodnight," John bid Wendy as she kissed his forehead too.

"Goodnight, John."

Wendy made to leave but hesitated, seeing that the shadow was looking up at her expectantly. She approached him, smiling kindly. "Goodnight, Shadow." She murmured softly. Stooping down – she kissed the shadow's forehead. It was peculiar, in reality she'd just kissed the wall that the shadow was cast against but she'd felt something cold against her lips – like a thin film of ice. Wendy vacated the room, gently closing the nursery door shut behind her.

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