11. The Dollhouse

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100 years later...

The mirror shattered around Peter Pan's fist, shards of glass cascading to the floor. Wendy shrunk back – her heart beating erratically. It had been a hundred years. One hundred years since Pan had abducted her from her parent's house. They'd be both long dead by now- their outcome unknown to Wendy, who had been in another realm all this time. But she still looked the same – a child on the brink, but not quite, of becoming a young woman. Her age frozen by Pan's gift of immortality.

She wasn't completely unaltered though. Her eyes were sunken into deep sockets and her teeth had been yellowed by lifetime habit of pipe smoking. Pan growled, like a feral beast and Wendy cowered back against the wall.

"Shhh," he hissed, "shhh, Wendy." He gripped her arms under her elbows, stopping her from sinking to the ground.

Wendy stared in wonder. Pan seemed to be flickering– his shadow shaking between separating and not. Wendy gasped, terrified, as his eyes flashed searing scarlet. "You need to run." Pan's voice was forced, spitting out his words through clenched teeth. "Run like hell." He gripped her tightly with one hand and dragged her to the door. Wendy staggered, her trembling legs struggling to navigate, as he shoved her out of the room.

Catching herself from falling, Wendy turned to look fearfully back over her shoulder at Pan. "Run Wendy!" He bellowed. Flinching, she tore off – sprinting down the labyrinth of corridors. This was Pan's castle – the fortress he'd imprisoned her in for the last fifty years. She ran as fast as she could, her slippers thwacking loudly against the floorboards.

Pan fell against the wall, snarling. "No," he groaned. "Let her go!" He clutched his head, crying out in pain. "I won't let you hurt her anymore," he spat – scrunching his eyes tightly shut. His neck snapped suddenly to the right and his voice changed – "she's mine!". He screamed out suddenly before collapsing onto his stomach, writhing like a worm. "I'll rip you from me!" He roared – his face flushing purple as he contorted in agony. "I swear it!"


                 "Tiger Lily, Tiger Lily?"

Wendy awoke with a start. "Tiger Lily?" The kindly voice called again.

"Yes?" Wendy replied, sitting up. She'd fallen asleep on the ferry passage across the Whispering Channel. The waters were choppier now and the large ferry was being tossed about – lurching on the waves. Wendy rubbed her tired eyes. What could have made her dream of that night again? The night she'd escaped Pan's castle - with his shadows help.

"We're coming into port." The old lady explained to her. Wendy ran a hand over her shaved head, her palms scratched by the short bristles remaining on her scalp. Good, it had only been a dream. She'd come a long way since then. "You should find your parents so that they don't worry."

Wendy smiled and thanked the woman, rising to her feet and skipping lightly off – as if she was setting off to do just that.

She'd been using the alias Tiger Lily for a long time now. It was name that she was sure Pan would never guess. She'd chosen it to hide behind – naming herself for the first flower she'd seen on random summers day. After a couple of rotations around the ferry, she went up on deck. The sea was a lot rougher that the tranquil blue waters they'd first set off in. These waves were grey and thick with foam and bubbles.

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