Wlecome To New York

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Andy's POV
I smiled lightly as I watch Jace fly around us before landing on my case. "Jace says where almost there Newt." I told my brother as Jace flaps his wings.

Newt smiled at me then chuckled as Dougal started to scratch the case

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Newt smiled at me then chuckled as Dougal started to scratch the case. "Dougal settle down there." Newt said softly as he placed his case on his lap.

I looked around seeing that nobody was looking at us. "Bebiede þe arisan cwicum." I said flick my right wrist causing Jace to disappear and reappear on my skin. "Don't make us come in there." I said as Dougal scratch the case again and growled softly.

"Do you think Frank is going to like it over ther in Arizona?" I ask Newt as I started to scratch my left arm a bit. "Leo that's enough." I mumbled as Newt looks at me with a soft smile.

"I see Leo wants to get out as well?" Newt said as he gently placed his hand on my arm where Leo is. "I haven't let him out for awhile so I guess so." I said smiled at him. "I think Frank will like Arizona." Newt said softly as he placed his head on my shoulder.

Time Skip

Me and Newt waited patiently in line as I held my case close to me. "Newt. I have a bad feeling..." I told him as I felt my stomach swirled around knowing Shi (the name of the Thestral) can sense it too.

"Next!" I heard as Newt was about to say something. We both walked up to the man and gave him our passports. "What brings you hear to New York?" The man asked more to me then my brother.

"Just graduated High school and I wanted to explore with a big brother." I said look at Newt with a big goofy smile causing him to chuckle. "I see. Any life stock?" He asked as he looks at my brother.

I looked down to see the claps has opened causing Newt to close it. "Sorry. Must have that fix." Newt said as he switch is case and opened it showing the man.

He nodded his head and gave us or passport back. "Welcome to New York." He said as we walked pass him and look around. "Wow." I mumbled in awe as I stayed close to Newt.

We where about to walk pass a group of Muggals only for me to stop and see a banner of hands breaking a wand. "Newt." I mumbled as he held me close. "These witches and Wizards live amount us!" I heard as I look at Newt concern.

"Somethings not right." Newt mumbled as I saw a woman in a coat on the top. I frown slightly as my eyes landed on a boy who stood not that far away from them giving away fliers.

He is tall and very slim. He wore a black suit coat that probably can barely keep him warm. My eyes widen slightly as he look up at me with his sad pain eyes. "Andy." Newt called causing me too look at him.

"Sorry what was that?" I asked feeling the boy looking at me. "Lets go." He said as I nod only for someone to bump into us. "Sorry." Newt said as a man walked through. "Its was my case." Newt added as the man just smile. "Its alright." He said as I smile at him kindly.

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