A Night With The Goldstein

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Andy's POV
"Take a right here..." The woman I now know as Tina said as she guides the three of us down Brownstone Street. Newt and Tina, both, are helping to keep Mr Kowalski steady on his feet while he keeps making various retching sounds which, to me at least, is odd, the Murtlap bite must be affecting him more than it should.

'Maybe since he's a muggle it affects him differently then the witches and wizards.' I thought holding Newt's case close as we round the corner, Tina hurries us to hide behind a large truck and she peers over her shoulder, across the street.

"Okay--before we go in--I'm not supposed to have men on the premises." She said as she looks between Newt and Mr Kowalski. "In that case, Mr Kowalski, Andy and I, can easily seek other accommodation-" Newt started to say but Tina grabs Mr Kowalski's arm.

"Oh no, you don't!" She said and pulls him across the street. Newt lets out a heavy sigh as I shake my head. "You tried brother dear." I said as we, dutifully, follow Tina and Mr Kowalski. "Maybe I should feed her to Leo." I said as Newt gave me a look causing me to chuckle slightly. "I'm joking. Maybe." I said scratching my left arm as Newt just sighed.

"Watch your step." She said as we make it to the building. Once we get inside, Tina places her pointer finger on her lips and motions for us to walk in front of her, so Mr Kowalski, Newt and I walk ahead of her and up the stairs with her following behind.

As we get to the top floor, we hear a door open downstairs. "That you, Tina?" A woman's voice called out. "Yes, Mrs Esposito!" Tina replied looking at us. "Are you alone?" Esposito asked her. "I'm always alone, Mrs Esposito." She said and her landlady seem to be satisfied with the answer because we hear her door shut and Tina ushers us to move on.

We enter through a door and I notice the place is enlivened with magic. An iron is working away on its own in a corner, there's a clothesline revolving, clumsily, on its wooden legs in front of a fire, drying an assortment of underwear. 'Do they not know how to do thing without using magic?' I thought with a small frown.

"Teenie--you brought men home? And who's the new girl?" Another female voice asked. I look into the direction of the voice and see a blonde girl standing in a silk slip, supervising the mending of a dress and I noticed that Mr Kowalski looked completely thunderstruck by the sight that he sees in front of him.

"This is my sister. You want to put something on, Queenie?" Tina asked her. "Oh, sure." Queenie said, unconcerned about the two man watching or more like Mr Kowalski.

'Queenie? That a lovely name.' I thought as Queenie waves her wand and the dress, magically, runs up her body. "So, who are they?" She asked Tina.

"That's Mr and Miss. Scamander. They've committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy--" Tina said as Queenie looks over and Newt and I, impressed. "They're criminals?" She asked with slight interest lace in her voice. "Uh-huh, and this is Mr Kowalski, he's a No-Maj--" "A No-Maj? Teen--what are you up to?" Queenie asked her sister with worry.

"He's sick--it's a long story--Mr and Miss Scamander have lost something and I'm going to help them find it." Tina replied as Mr Kowalski staggers. I rush over to him and help him over to the couch. "You need to sit down, honey." Queenie said, with concern, as she rushes over to him as well.

"They're not things. They're creature's." I snarled at Tina as Newt placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey....he hasn't eaten all day. And....aw, that's rough, he didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey?" Queenie asked and Mr Kowalski, who has stared in amazement at her, nods. "I love to cook." Queenie said with a smile.

Newt and I look at her with curiosity before it click in our heads. "You're a Legilimens?" Newt asked her as she nods at this. "Wicked." I said with a smile. "But I always have trouble with your kind. Brits. It's the accent." She said, seeing my confused face. "Except for you Miss Scamander. I can't seem to hear a single voice or thought in your pretty head." She said as Newt looks at me.

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