Into The Case We Go

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Andy's POV
As Tina leads the men to a guest room, Queenie takes me over to the other side of the hallway and takes me to another room. “Here you go, dear. This is my room but I can bunk with Tina, so you can use it.” She said with smile. “Thank you. That’s very kind of you.” I said as I look around her room.

“Oh I’ve made hot cocoa!” She said and she grabs a mug and hands it to me. I take it and smile at her. “Thank you.” I mumbled and I take a sip of the warm drink and Merlin’s beard is it delicious!  "Mmm….that’s really good!“ I said as I take another sip.

She smiles and starts to walk out of the room. "Oh, uh…the toilet’s down the hall to the right.” She said over her shoulder. I nod as she closes the door behind her and I finish the drink then set the mug down and quietly open the door, just a smidge, to see if it was safe.

I see down the hall Tina is in front of the doorway of the guest room, talking to the men. After a few moments, she shuts the door and walks away. I shut the door and walked towards a window. “Bebiede þe arisan cwicum.” I mumbled as I raised my my left sleeve and looked at my Snow. She moved out of my arm to the edge of the window waiting for my orders.

 She moved out of my arm to the edge of the window waiting for my orders

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“I need you to keep an eye on Credence for me. Can you do that for me?” I asked petting snow. She hooted softly before flying away as I Disaparate to the guest room.

Once I get there, Newt has already jumped out of the bed and placing his case on the floor. At my arrival, Mr. Kowalski lets out a small scream and I raise my finger to my lips. “Ladies first.” Newt said after he opens his case and I walk down inside the case.

I jumped down into the wooden shed area, grab my case, that was leaning against the wall, and head over to the little room, I use, to change clothes. I change out of my my dress and coat and put on a baggy grey long sleeve shirt and black skinny pants, and the same combat boots.

 I change out of my my dress and coat and put on a baggy grey long sleeve shirt and black skinny pants, and the same combat boots

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As I’m doing this, I hear Newt come down then, once I come out of the room, I see Mr. Kowalski come crashing down. “Will you sit down.” Newt said to him. Mr. Kowalski drops on to the Mooncalf pellets crate and mumbled to himself “That’s good.” Newt said as he moves forward to examine the bite on his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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