Chapter 6: Refuge

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After a couple weeks of living with Krishna I began to miss my mother. I would text her everyday, she told me that my father was getting help. He was in rehab the day I left. I was glad to hear that. I convinced Krishna that it was time for her to start dating again. Just in time this new guy began going to our school.
"Krishna you know that new guy.. Uhh crap what was his name.. QUINCY!!"
"Quincy Adams ? what about him"
"Yeah, so I heard around that he likes you."
"NO WAY ?! ¿En Serio?"
"Si ! Girl I was in the bathroom & I overheard him talking to some guy."
The bell for 4th period ranged & Krishna & I walked into our class. Good googly moogly. There he was Quincy muthafxxkin Adams sitting by two empty desks. Krishna didn't notice until I grabbed her arm & dragged her to those seats specifically sitting her beside 'Quey' that was our nickname for him. It was cute & it caught on within a couple of weeks. She was nervous to talk to him but I wrote her number down on a piece of paper & gave it to her & told her to give it to him at the end of class.
"Well.. Did you do it?" I asked her whilst walking to her house.
"Yes !" She shouted as we began yelling like two white girls getting free Starbucks.
"Now we wait." I said trying to amp up the anticipation.
I started getting tired & laid down. As soon I felt like I was going to sleep, Krishna woke me up with her phone. Kept buzzing every 2 minutes. Like hunnty what got yo phone dripping wet.
"Girl who in gods green & blue earth are you texting?" I asked.
"Oh just Quincy" she replied.
"Nope. We've been texted for a while now." She grinned.
"Well good for you too. I'm going back to sleep."
I feel quickly too sleep.
I woke up the next morning feeling the same as usual. It just felt like something was missing. I guess that's just the homesick feeling kicking in. I suppose it'll blow over eventually. I look over at Krishna, eyes glued to her phone.
"Texting Quincy ?" I asked.
"YES" she laughed.
"That's good I'm glad you're happy."
Minutes later. Krishna drunken mother stumbles down stairs. Waddles in the kitchen toss a few things around & makes her way back upstairs. I give Krishna this look she returns it.
"Are you sure you want to stay here.."
"Yes I'm sure ..why do you ask?"
"I get vibes Krishna & this one isn't good."
"What kinda vibe is it Kalyb?"
"It's hard to explain but it's not good."
I really didn't think it was safe for Krishna to be here with her mother like this. I wish I knew what it was about her but something just wasn't.
Overnight I packed althings, & the next morning I moved back in at my house. I was kinda excited about being back home, but just a bit concerned to see if things changed. I got back a bit early so my brother is asleep & parents are at church, so I take my things back to my room & took my dog out for a walk. He was so excited about seeing me he literally jumped out of his cage & began licking my legs, I picked him up & hugged him & returned the kisses. I walked back inside shut & locked the door, & fed my dog. I sat down on my bed.
"God I miss this damn bed" I chuckled in my head.
I laid down on my bed turned my PS3 on & started watching Netflix. A few episodes later I heard my parents car pull up & I ran outside.
"Hey baby" my mom cried.
"How are you son" my dad smiled.
"Hey I missed you guys so much, & I'm fine how are you dad?"
To be honest I was a bit scared to hear was he was going to sway but was soon relieved when he confirmed his sobriety. I gave him a huge hug. nNever in my life have I seen my father so happy & sober. I was glad to have him back.
*Beyoncé's Flawless remix with Nicki Minaj came on* 'Yes that was my ringtone, don't judge me readers' lol
"Hello?" I answered the phone.
I heard Krishna crying..
"Krish what's wrong, what happened are you okay?"
"I-I-.... It's Malachi he's not dead.... Y-You killed his twin.."
*I walk away from my parents*
"What are you saying I killed his twin ?!"
"Yeah he just texted me"
"Well how do you even know it's really him?"
"He texted me..
She paused.
....."Krish what did he say...?"
"He said he's gonna get us back.." Krishna broke down & cried.
"Krishna , calm down we can figure this out"
"After school ride the bus home w/ me, & we'll figure this out somehow don't worry."
After school I met Krishna by the library & walked down to the car lot & got in my car. we stopped by cookout to get some food
*cause you know a bitch was 'hongry'*
We sat in the parking lot & start eating & talking about how things might go down w/ Malachi. Halfway into my burger. Out the corner of my eye I see Malachi's truck pullout from the side road behind cookout.
I crank the car & sped off unnoticeably.
"What's wrong why are you speeding?" she yelped almost spilling her dripping Philly-cheese steak.
"That was Malachi's truck that pulled up!"
The rest of the ride home was quiet. I tell her to wait in the car while I go ask my mom if she can stay for a while.
"Is it okay if Krish stays over for a while ?"
"Sure sweetie that's fine."
"Cool thanks Mommy."
I walk outside & get Krish & help her carry her stuff inside.
"Uhh that was fast Kal , mind explaining this to me?" she asks jokingly.
"Uhm It's a long terrible story I thinks it's safe just to save you the stress, ma please understand."
"I do sweetheart, just ask before okay?"
I hug my mom & go downstairs to my room.
To take this whole drama mess off our minds, we decide to watch some movies on Netflix. It was best for us to refrain from scary movies considering we may or may not be hunted by Malachi. I just couldn't believe that he had a twin, that didn't add up at all. He never mentioned a twin at all to Krishna. I guess he was just leading a private double life. Seems pretty sneaky if you ask me I don't like it.

After a few shows & a movie Krishna knocked out, but I was still awoke. I was bored out of my mind I didn't know what I could do to make time go by or just to fall asleep; it's weird because I didn't even feel tired I was wide awoke. So I just sat there. I even got up to make a sandwich, I made Krishna one too because I knew she'd be up if she smelled food.

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