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(Gonna start doing songs of the chapter! I've always wanted to do this 😋)

Song of the Chap: Amnesia by 5sos

Cams POV

"Oh," Kayla whispered, turning around to be face to face with the boy. "and I was waiting for the day you changed back, Cam."

The red numbers 1:52 glowed through the room. I had to leave there and then.

She looked me dead in the eyes... and smiled. The beautiful smile I've missed.

"I need to explain something to you," I whispered. Her eyes... her beautiful eyes... they looked at me, filling with tears and... fright. She was scared of me. What I looked like the first time I was beat. (ok, violence ahead. if u can't read this stuff pls skip it, but remember that this actually happens. Innocents r beat everyday. Pls help it stop. I believe in u all, to help who is beaten and to stand up and call the police ASAP. U won't regret calling.)

***Flash back***

He pushed me in front of the full length mirror.

"Look at yourself!" he commanded. He grabbed my face and made me look. I saw my 5year old face. Bottom lip quivering and tears threatening to spill. "What do you see!?" He screamed.

"I-I see m-myself," I trembled.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I SEE!? I SEE A MISTAKE THAT I NEVER LOVED! I SEE A LYING LITTLE THING THAT I NEVER WANTED! SOMETHING NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE!" He screamed in my face as he took the belt off his pants. "Lean forward!" he commanded, shoving me into the wall before I could obey.

"D-dad?" I asked as my lips quivered.

"Shut. Up." he said through his teeth. I looked at the mirror and watched as the belt came up and down on my back.

***end of flash back***

"Are you going to hurt me again?" She asked me. Innocence was written across her face, mixed with fear and sadness. Why the hell did I hurt her before? How could I if I saw her face. But I was a coward and I turned my head away as I threw her against a locker, lettin the latches bruise her back and arms. Why did I want to make people suffer with me?

"No, no, no! I promise I will never hurt you again!" he whisper-yelled as I pulled her hands in mine and in front of my face. "I'm leaving."

"For a vacation?" she questioned. Flashes of her face when she was 6 and I was 8 went through my head.

"No... For good." I finally blurted. "My dad beats me every day and I have no where else to go. I can't keep taking this." I hurt her so much before. The thing that kills me, is that she still had happiness when she looked at me. Hope, that I changed. Every. Single. Day.

She didn't give up on me. Kayla never stopped seeing the tiniest sliver of good in me but I just pulled her down to make her suffer with me. Like a soul grasping another and pulling it into the depths of hell. But she managed to save us both.

"N-no. I won't let you," she stammered. Eyes filling with tears and bottom lip quivering already. A tear slipped down her cheek and I quickly moved my hand up to wipe it away.

"Hey," I whispered, grasping her chin lightly in my hands. Making her look up at me. I never knew I could be gentle. "Don't cry for me. Smile instead. You look so much more beautiful."

"I don't know what I'm gonna do without you," she mumbled as her head pushed into my chest. She grasped it tightly, as if it were the last time, when it really was.

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